New York Post

Weird BUT true


If you loved the “Where’s Waldo’’ puzzles, this may be for you.

A new Canadian book is scoring big sales — featuring bucolic scenes that each include a hidden picture of dog poop.

Readers of “Find the Poo” must search each picture to look for a pup’s leavings. If they can’t find it, the answers are circled in diagrams at the back of the book.

A 3-year-old toddler from Kentucky is celebratin­g her first parking ticket.

An officer in the town of Covington spotted a toy BMW perfectly parallelpa­rked.

The officer left a “summons” on the kiddie car’s dashboard, stating “You did a great job parking and we appreciate it.’’

He and his colleagues filled the car with presents, including a teddy bear.

Meet the world’s heaviest hedgehog — the fattest ever found in Scotland, according to a British rescue group.

Arbuckle weighed in at a massive 5.15 pounds, about four times the weight of an average hedgehog. He’s being put on a diet. “He’ll be grumpy for a while, but we’re being cruel to be kind,” said shelter employee Keith Marley. “There is no way he would survive in the wild.”

Don’t call him a horn dog. A pooch who got bored waiting for his owner in a locked car in Russia was so annoyed at being left alone, he took matters into his own paws.

He was in no danger — the window was cracked open. But he was so outraged at his chauffeur for leaving him waiting, he put his paws on the horn and starting blowing it.

They better have very big houses.

Two leaders of a Canadian fundamenta­list group — who between them have 29 wives and 160 children — have been sentenced to house arrest in British Columbia after being convicted of polygamy.

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