New York Post

Harvard’s Secret Shame


How do you get into Harvard? Well . . . it’s a secret.

At least, that’s what the university claims as it fights the lawsuit charging it with discrimina­tion against Asian-Americans. Its latest legal brief likens data on its admissions process to a trade secret; making it share the info would be like forcing CocaCola to publish its recipe.

“Harvard’s competitor­s might try to utilize informatio­n about . . . the number of students Harvard seeks to admit from certain geographic territorie­s, to their advantage and to Harvard’s detriment,” the school’s lawyers argue. Right.

Plus, the brief claims, keeping applicants in the dark on admissions criteria prevents them “from attempting to ‘game the system’ by modifying their conduct or their applicatio­ns to conform to what they believe Harvard wants from them.”

Huh? What the Ivies want is no secret. Countless high school kids strive for high SAT scores, plus extracurri­cular activities that will catch the admissions office’s eye.

No, the “sauce” the school wants to keep secret is surely more of what it has already been caught doing — like having the admissions office routinely rank Asian applicants low on such personalit­y traits as “likability” even when alumni interviewe­rs disagree.

If Harvard weren’t ashamed of what it does in the name of diversity, it wouldn’t be afraid to make it public.

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