New York Post

Doing a slow burn over fast food


Dear John: I just read the letter from LA regarding his disappoint­ment in the product that fast food chains put forth in their stores as compared with their advertised product. I couldn’t agree with him more.

I will take it a step further, too. The food industry in general is misleading, with every ad from Butterball turkeys to Betty Crocker cakes being unscrupulo­usly doctored.

Stylists regularly make food look as though it never could if prepared in a normal manner. Most of us realize this and just put up with it, realizing it’s just advertisin­g BS. But the reality is, we are being lied to at every turn by those who supply our food products. Truth in advertisin­g is a myth. ED

Dear ED: Yep, advertiser­s lie. Live with it.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. The picture of me looking tough that runs with this column is a lie. I’m actually a lot tougher than I look.

Dear John: I must agree with the person who wrote about bait-and-switch in the fast food industry. Burger King has to be the biggest disappoint­ment when it comes to food product presentati­on.

I speak from many years of experience working in the food industry with Elby’s Restaurant­s, which at one time was a Big Boy franchise.

Elby’s was the class act of quality of all the Big Boy franchises, and presentati­on was of the utmost importance.

Fast food today is slapped together and looks nothing like what it should, although I will admit McDonald’s comes close. Thank you for your article on this. R.C.

Dear RC: You can thank the reader who complained about this, not me.

Look, these fast food restaurant­s serve a very legitimate purpose. The food is cheap. You usually don’t get sick. And you can take your kids to these restaurant­s, and fellow diners won’t complain if they start throwing fries at one another.

Fast food chains are training grounds before you take the kiddies to real restaurant­s.

My personal opinion: Burger King over McDonald’s. BK’s fries are better, and I like my burgers grilled. But a Big Mac now and then is like a trip back to my younger days.

And oh, yeah: I don’t get what is such a big deal about Shake Shack but I’ll give it another try if I ever find one with a short enough line.

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