New York Post

Mitch OKs justice vote


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Tuesday that the Senate will vote on a bipartisan bill for criminal-justice reform as soon as this week — after claiming there wasn’t enough time to take up the legislatio­n.

“At the request of the president and following improvemen­ts to the legislatio­n that has been secured by several members, the Senate will take up the revised criminalju­stice bill this month,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.

As a result, he warned “members should now be prepared to work between Christmas and New Year’s if necessary, in order to complete our work.” President Trump applauded. “Looks like it’s going to be passing, hopefully — famous last words,’’ Trump said at the White House. “It’s really something we’re all very proud of. Tremendous support from Republican­s and tremendous support from Democrats. Lot of years they’ve been waiting for it.”

McConnell’s No. 2, Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas), said his concerns about the bill had been addressed with the changes and he’s now a co-sponsor.

“I appreciate those willing to work with me, rather than point fingers, and I expect these changes will result in additional Republican and law-enforcemen­t support,” Cornyn said.

Before his change of heart, McConnell wasn’t eager to schedule a vote, citing a busy schedule and calling the legislatio­n “extremely divisive” within his caucus.

But an unusual coalition — including both Republican­s and Democrats — joined with the White House to push the measure.

The bill will need to go back through the House before heading to Trump’s desk.

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