New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Natalie O’Neill, Wires

All she wants for Christmas is this freakin’ pothole fixed.

A Pennsylvan­ia woman couldn’t get officials to fill a crater-like sinkhole on her street, so she stuffed it with holiday decoration­s — and now they’re paying attention.

Marietta Spak and other residents of Wilkes-Barre filled the eyesore in the middle of the road with a Christmas tree and a plastic Santa statue.

After weeks of ignored complaints, the city now says it plans to fix the hole as soon as this week.

A food-delivery man in India was canned when he was caught on camera chowing down on a customer’s grub.

The hungry worker in Zomato was busted gobbling the to-go food, then resealing it in a delivery bag while lounging on a parked motor scooter.

It was a large-“scale” rescue.

Firefighte­rs saved more than 100 pet snakes — including pythons and boa constricto­rs — from a burning home in Texas.

They discovered a second-floor bedroom packed with reptiles slithering in glass tanks at the house in Conroe.

That’s one way to spice up retirement.

A senior-citizen couple was busted traffickin­g a “large amount of cocaine” on a cruise ship bound for England, authoritie­s said.

The unnamed pair, ages 70 and 72, had just come from the West Indies when officials found 22 pounds of the drug inside suitcases in their cabin.

The septuagena­rians were yanked off the ship and detained in Lisbon, Portugal.

Dead sexy. A funeral home in Wgrowiec, Poland, handed out a promotiona­l calendar featuring nude women posing on caskets — and religious folks are hot and bothered.

It’s the 10th edition of the calendar, which has drawn the ire of the Catholic Church.

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