New York Post

Bad rap for Sen. Similla

Kamala flubs college-stoner story


She must have been smoking some really good stuff.

Sen. Kamala Harris got rapped for getting her rap eras mixed up when she told radio interviewe­rs that she listened to Snoop Dogg (top inset) and Tupac Shakur (bottom inset) while smoking pot in college — even though she graduated in 1986, years before they hit the scene.

The Democratic presidenti­al contender made the totally wack goof-up Monday on “The Breakfast Club,” a nationally syndicated morning show, after she was asked if she had ever smoked marijuana.

“I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale,” Harris said during a conversati­on about legalizing marijuana. “It was a joint.”

Asked about the time period — if she had gotten high in college — she replied, “Yes.”

A few minutes later, the hosts inquired about what type of mu- sic she liked and what she was listening to while stoned in college.

“What was you listening to when you was high? What was on? What song was on?” asked the host, Charlamagn­e tha God. Another host suggested, “Snoop?”

“Definitely Snoop, Tupac for sure,” Harris answered.

But Harris graduated from Howard University in 1986 — when Run-DMC ruled the rap charts, years before Snoop Dogg’s first album, “Doggystyle,” dropped in 1993. Tupac’s debut album, “2Pacalypse Now,” was released in 1991. Neither had put out any public music in the 1980s.

At the time the two rap legends burst onto the scene in the early ’90s, Harris was working as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, Calif.

A rep for Harris on Tuesday called the comment a misunderst­anding. When Harris replied “Definitely Snoop,” she had been responding to the question of what music she listens to now, said Kirsten Allen, a spokeswoma­n for Harris.

Harris not only talked of her support for some hip-hop legends, she also talked about her support for legalized marijuana across the country.

Despite having been the top law officer in the nation’s largest state, she said that she thinks weed should be decriminal­ized, noting that “half my family is from Jamaica.”

And when asked by Charlamagn­e if she would try it again if it was legal she said: “I think that it gives a lot of people joy and we need more joy.”

When a politician lamely tries to fake being cool, it’s worth considerin­g just how false he or she really is. The latest case is Sen. Kamala Harris.

On a radio show Monday, she “confessed” to smoking pot in college: “And I inhaled.” Asked if she was listening to weed-loving Snoop Dogg at the time, she replied, “Definitely Snoop, Tupac [Shakur] for sure.”

Oops: Neither rapper had made it before she graduated from law school, let alone college. But the games run much deeper. In her new book, “The Truths We Hold,” she lectures: “Something else it’s past time we get done is dismantlin­g the failed war on drugs — starting with legalizing marijuana.”

Hmm: Running for re-election as Califor- nia attorney general just over four years ago, she laughed at a reporter who asked about an opponent’s support for pot legalizati­on. And she refused to back putting the question before voters in a ballot measure.

Her book condemns “people using the power of the prosecutor as an instrument of injustice.” Pot, meet kettle: In 2015, for instance, she tried to keep a man in jail even after a judge found him innocent, because his not-guilty proof wasn’t delivered fast enough.

And when death-row inmate Kevin Cooper, whose trial was rife with corruption, sought advanced DNA testing to prove his innocence, Harris opposed it.

Lying about toking to Tupac is just a taste of Kamala Harris’ fakery.

 ??  ?? BRAIN DRAIN: Democratic presidenti­al hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris told a radio station she listened to Tupac and Snoop in college — even though they hadn’t released any music at that time.
BRAIN DRAIN: Democratic presidenti­al hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris told a radio station she listened to Tupac and Snoop in college — even though they hadn’t released any music at that time.

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