New York Post

Vid kid’s $250M suit vs. DC Post

- Joe Tacopino

Covington Catholic HS student Nicholas Sandmann filed a $250 million defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post on Tuesday, accusing the newspaper of targeting him in “a modern-day form of McCarthyis­m.”

Attorneys for Sandmann, who was taped in a confrontat­ion Jan. 18 with a Native American man in Washington, DC, claim the Post led a “mob of bullies which attacked, vilified and threatened” an innocent minor.

“[The] Washington Post recklessly ignored basic journalist standards because it was eager to advance its biased agenda . . . impugning individual­s perceived to be [President Trump] supporters,” attorney Lin Wood tweeted.

“Nick Sandmann was perceived as an easy target. He is 16. Inexcusabl­e on every level.”

A clip of Nathan Phillips, a Native American, pounding a drum in the face of Sandmann, who smiled silently as his MAGA-hat-wearing Kentucky schoolmate­s mockingly chanted along, went viral and initially sparked outrage at the teens’ conduct.

But later video emerged showing an entirely different group of protesters first taunting the teens for their support of Trump.

The suit claims that the Post “ignored the truth” and falsely accused Sandmann of, among other things, “accost[ing]” Phillips by “suddenly swarm[ing]” him in a “threaten[ing]” and “physically intimidat[ing]” manner.

Wood tweeted a warning that “All members of the mainstream & social media mob of bullies who recklessly & viciously attacked Nick would be well-served to read [the lawsuit] carefully.”

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