New York Post

70+ is the new ’20

Age before beauty for 5 WH hopefuls


Maybe they’ll move the Fountain of Youth to the Rose Garden.

Sen. Bernie Sanders threw his hat into the presidenti­al ring on Tuesday, becoming the latest 70somethin­g candidate or potential candidate to pursue the White House in 2020.

The 77-year-old enters the race as one of the front-runners — and the most senior of a crop of five septuagena­rians running or considerin­g a bid. All would be over 70 when they’re sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021. Sanders would be 79, Joe Biden, 78, Michael Bloomberg, 78, Elizabeth Warren, 71, and President Trump, 74.

Biden, Bloomberg and Sanders would all be older than Ronald Reagan was when he began his second term in 1985 at 73 — the oldest person ever to take the oath of office.

In recent interviews, Sanders and Biden acknowledg­ed that age would be an issue, but argued that it shouldn’t be.

“Look, you’ve got people who are 50 years of age who are not well, right?” Sanders, a former high-school track star who still routinely chops wood, said in an October interview. “You’ve got people who are 90 years of age who are going to work every day doing excellent work.

“And obviously, age is a factor. But it depends on the overall health and well-being of the in- dividual,” he said, adding, “I’m very blessed with my health.”

Biden, former President Barack Obama’s vice president, said age would be a “legitimate” issue.

“I think they’re going to judge me on my vitality,” Biden told “CBS This Morning” last October. “Am I still in good shape? Am I — do I have all my faculties? Am I energetic? I think it’s totally legitimate people ask those questions.”

Biden has not yet announced a plan to run.

Bloomberg, who says he’ll make his decision on a White House run next month, maintained that voters want maturity and experience.

“There is nothing wrong with people being young,” he said last month in Toronto. “But there is also nothing wrong with people being older.

“Getting older is a process that I hope continues.”

During a White House event Tuesday, Trump said he and Sanders are on the same page when it comes to trade and that he wishes him “well.”

But the president said the Vermont independen­t had “missed his time” and “was not treated with respect” by Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic campaign.

“You have a lot of people running, but only one person is going to win,” Trump said.

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