New York Post

Populists Unite

What Bernie Sanders and Trump can shake on

- KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON Kevin Williamson is the roving correspond­ent for National Review, from which this column was adapted.

SEN. Bernie Sanders isn’t quite ready to retire to his lakeside dacha and so once again is running for the presidenti­al nomination of a party to which he doesn’t belong with an agenda about which he can’t be entirely honest.

Go to BernieSand­, and you will find a swag store and a donations link but precious little about what the candidate believes. Sanders has been around long enough to appreciate that Democratic presidenti­al campaigns are made of rage and money, with ideas way back there somewhere near the caboose.

To the very limited extent that Sanders is a man of ideas, he is — not that he’d ever admit it — a man of President Trump’s ideas.

Who does this sound like? “I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers.”

Trump? Yes, indeed, but it is Sanders. Rep. Steve King of Iowa and other immigratio­n restrictio­nists have praised Sanders for his beadyeyed, zero-sum view of immigratio­n.

Sanders has, in fact, been all too happy to appropriat­e the rhetorical scheme of the altright knucklehea­ds (remember those guys?), denouncing those who take a more liberal view of immigratio­n as advocates of “open borders” — a position held by approximat­ely zero figures in American public life — and agents of a sinister conspiracy advanced by the Koch brothers and affiliated business interests. Which is to say: Sanders’ criticism of the Koch brothers comes from the same direction as Trump’s.

Like his populist fellow-travelers, including Trump, Sanders applies much of the same zerosum thinking to trade. Quiz question: Who described the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p as a “disaster” — Trump or Sanders? Both, actually. Right-wing populists and leftwing populists may disagree about such world-changing issues as whether the phrase “a man with ovaries” actually means anything, but on the fundamenta­l pol- icy questions, they come down strikingly close to one another.

That is because the enemy of populism isn’t the left or the right but liberalism, understood here not in the demented sense we use it in US politics but in its proper sense, the classical-liberal regime of property rights, free enterprise, free trade, individual rights and ordered liberty emphasizin­g cooperatio­n among nations.

Sanders, like Trump, is an antilibera­l — and, fundamenta­lly, a nationalis­t. Sanders may be deep-dipped and tie-dyed in 1970s countercul­tural horsepucky, but he is a practition­er of a very old and establishe­d kind of politics that would have been familiar to such frankly nationalis­t politician­s as Franklin Roosevelt (and Teddy Roosevelt, for that matter), Woodrow Wilson and Benito Mussolini.

Sanders has been shamed out of the blunt, Trumpish way he talked about immigratio­n during those 2016 union-hall speeches, but his worldview remains essentiall­y the same. Most politician­s don’t evolve very much at his advanced age.

The feature of nationalis­m that Trump and Sanders — and, to a considerab­le degree, figures such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — are rehabilita­ting is, in part, corporatis­m, a word that all of them certainly would abjure and that none of them quite understand­s.

Contempora­ry progressiv­es use the word corporatis­m to describe a situation in which the notionally democratic character of government is subverted by private business interests, but in reality it means something closer to the opposite: the subordinat­ion of private business interests to the “national interest.”

Warren, in particular, frequently speaks of the social role of American businesses in explicitly corporatis­t terms, but the farleft American intellectu­als who dream of “workers’ councils” and grand industrial projects directed by the central government are practition­ers of classical corporatis­m, whether they understand the fact or not. The so-called Green New Deal is a textbook corporatis­t boondoggle.

Sanders may call himself a socialist, but then, so did Mussolini, for a long time.

If you view the economy as a kind of national household (which is what the Greek root of “economy” literally means), then Sanders-ism — including his restrictio­nist immigratio­n views, however muffled they now are — makes perfect sense: Why take on responsibi­lity for a bunch of shiftless strangers you don’t really need?

If you take a more intelligen­t view — well, then you probably aren’t taking Sanders’ campaign very seriously. The good news is that he probably isn’t, either.

 ??  ?? Surprise! The Vermont socialist is quite the immigratio­n restrictio­nist.
Surprise! The Vermont socialist is quite the immigratio­n restrictio­nist.
 ??  ??

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