New York Post

At top of Trump haters’ wish list: a recession


A REthe Trump haters trying to cause a recession in the US so the president won’t be re-elected?

I’m not saying they are just hoping for a recession. It’s obvious the haters would like that.

But are they trying to cause a recession? Comedian and President

Trump ultra-hater Bill Maher has already spoken for his side. “We have survived many recessions. We can’t survive another Donald Trump term,” Maher is quoted as saying.

You know what: Trying to cause a recession would actually be the most rational thing the president’s opponents have tried. The trouble is, this strategy doesn’t seem to be working. Not yet, at least. I’ll get to that in a bit. But first let’s go over the more irrational solutions that the president’s opponents have considered or have actually acted upon.

Right after the election, the

Trump haters floated these doozies: Get the Electoral College voters to go against the wishes of their states and keep Trump from the presidency. When that didn’t work, they tried — at least according to a wishful press — to get members of Trump’s own cabinet to declare him unfit for office. Strike two. And, of course, there was whatever was going on inside the FBI and other intelligen­ce agencies that were spying on the Trump campaign and pulling dirty tricks before and after his election.

That didn’t work either and we will find out more about what was going on when a report concerning all this comes from Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Justice Department, sometime in the very near future.

So that brings us back to the possibilit­y — and for the haters, the last hope — that there will be a recession and that it will affect the next presidenti­al election, which is a little more than a year away.

As I said, this isn’t an irrational tactic to take against Trump.

Elections are mostly won or lost on how the economy is doing. And right now, while there is lots of talk about a 2020 recession that will hurt Trump, that’s really all it is — talk. And it’s mostly talk in the media and among Democrats.

But this chatter is causing Trump to bring up the issue of a recession regularly to defend himself — which publicizes the possibilit­y of an economic downturn even more.

You have probably heard that consumers control about 80 percent of the US economy. Recessions happen for a lot of reasons — a mistake by the Federal Reserve, economic problems overseas, careless lending by banks, a stock market crash, trade wars and war wars.

Some of those things, and others, can lead to a recession. But most of the things I just mentioned have been going on at times over the past 10 years and still there hasn’t been a recession since the Great One of 2007 to 2009.

But the quickest way to cause a recession is to kill the confidence of consumers. Without the consumer being willing to spend, the economy will crap out.

That’s where all the talk of a recession comes in. If the Trump haters in and outside the media can convince consumers that the next recession is right around the corner, the next recession just might be right around the corner.

And with any luck, the recession will happen just in time to be on voters’ minds when they decide whether to keep President Trump in office or kick him to the cul-desac.

What the haters really need is for Americans to forget all the irrational stuff they’ve already failed at and just focus on the economy. “It’s the economy, stupid,” is a Bill Clinton campaign motto that would need to be revised.

But here’s the problem. While helping cause a recession might be the rationall thing for the haters to do politicall­y, it comes with many drawbacks.

The biggest is that voters might figure out what the haters are doing and be pissed.

A recession will bring job losses. Will the American public blame the president, or can Trump cast the blame on his opponents?

And if this tactic is perceived as just another dirty trick, it might take the Democrats a very long time to regain the public’s support.

Trump certainly isn’t getting the kind of economy he wanted and even predicted. But growth is still around 2 percent a year, about where it was during most of the Obama administra­tion.

Unemployme­nt for everyone is down. And people are still spending, as recent retail sales figures show.

And the stock market is doing just fine, despite the president’s panic every time it falls a few percentage points.

But US debt levels have skyrockete­d as Trump tried to boost the economy through a tax cut. And a tricky thing is happening in the bond markets — yields of shorter mmaturity government securities are higher than longmaturi­ty yields.

This yield “inversion,” the experts say, is an omen of a coming recession. And the haters hope they are right. Maybe, maybe not. The chaos in the world could be making the US bond market flaky as foreign investors try to get assets out of their own countries and into ours. And that, or some other market quirk, could be causing the inversion.

This is all quite intriguing and will make a great movie one of these days. But right now, it’s just a drama that will end — thankfully — in November 2020.

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