New York Post

Old guard vs. new at NYC GOP

As ardent Trumper grabs reins . . .


For more than 100 years the Metropolit­an Republican Club has been a chummy watering hole for the city’s GOP elite, but in recent months the Upper East Side institutio­n has been shaken by scandal, stung by a bitterly divided board of directors and shunned by state party brass.

In February, Ian Walsh Reilly was voted in as president in a divisive election.

“Ian is not the archetype of someone who is president of Metropolit­an Republican Club: he’s a profession­al doorman . . . it’s a little bit weird,” said one member.

“He’s incompeten­t,” said another.

The contest was a mirror image of the larger civil war within the Republican Party, with Reilly, 40, accusing his opponent, Robert Morgan Sr., 67, of being insufficie­ntly loyal to Donald Trump.

Some members believe Reilly snatched the job by taking advantage of a quirk in thehe election rules that allows any club member to vote. Weeks before the election, farright provocateu­r Milo Yiannopoul­os backed Reilly on Facebook and urged his millions of fans to pay the $75 membership fee and then cast their vote for him.

“There was nothing stopping them from buying membership­s for one another. One person’s card bought like six membership­s,” a board member said. “If it weren’t for the alt right . . . I am pretty confident he would not have won that race.”

Two longtime board members resigned in disgust.

Founded in 1902, the group has counted Theodore Roosevelt and Nelson Rockefelle­r among its members and serves as a regular stops for high-profile Republican­s like Newt Gingrich and Tucker Carlson.

Reilly, who spent four years as chairman of the group’s exececutiv­e committee, is no stranger to controvers­y. In October, he booked an appearance by Gavin McInnes, founder of the far-right Proud Boys. Later that evening members of the group sparred with antifa protesters outside the building, resulting in multiple arrests and making national news.

Reilly has also taken heat for building ties to far-right groups abroad, including the ultranatio­nalist political party Alternativ­e for Germany, which has downplayed Holocaust remembranc­e.

Reilly, who did not respond to multiple inquiries from The Post, also has defenders.

“Ian Reilly has worked his ass off,” said board member Pete Holmberg, who had endorsed Reilly’s opponent. “There aren’t enough Republican­s in this town for us to hate each other. We cannot afford the luxury of underminin­g each other.”

The cascading controvers­ies may have been too much for state party leaders.

The state Republican Party, which had long maintained office space in the club’s East 83rd Street townhouse, discontinu­ed its lease in September and relocated to the Women’s National Republican Club in Midtown. A rep said the party moved for better amenities.

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 ??  ?? ANARCHY: The Metropolit­an Republican Club in Manhattan is embroiled in a bitter divide, with new president Ian Walsh Reilly (inset) saying the previous leadership was insufficie­ntly loyal to President Trump. Amid the membership turmoil, a vandal spray-painted the front doors.
ANARCHY: The Metropolit­an Republican Club in Manhattan is embroiled in a bitter divide, with new president Ian Walsh Reilly (inset) saying the previous leadership was insufficie­ntly loyal to President Trump. Amid the membership turmoil, a vandal spray-painted the front doors.

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