New York Post


Democrats are giving Elizabeth Warren a pass on her great big Cherokee insult

- KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON Kevin D. Williamson is the author of “The Smallest Minority: Independen­t Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics,” out now.

ELIZABETH Warren is a career hustler who has tried on many personas: lawyer, writer of dopey self-help books (“The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan”), Lou Dobbs-style economic populist, consumer activist — and, infamously, she spent part of her academic career pretending to be a Cherokee, making the milky Oklahoman quite possibly the palest person ever to be passed off to Harvard Law as a “woman of color.”

In an era of sensibilit­ies so exquisitel­y refined that a clumsily deployed pronoun will have progressiv­es pointing and shrieking like Donald Sutherland at the end of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” Warren gets a pass on the intellectu­al equivalent of wearing blackface — for decades. Why?

For one thing, she’s a rich white woman in a party run by rich white women. That can’t hurt.

Progressiv­es are not especially eager to engage in an uncomforta­ble discussion about the intersecti­on between identity politics and privilege vis-à-vis rich white liberals like Warren or progressiv­e darling Robert Francis O’Rourke, the Anglo scion of a powerful Texas political family who affects a Hispanic nickname that resonates helpfully in El Paso. Progressiv­es will forgive a great deal if you have the right politics: Bill Clinton was the Harvey Weinstein of US presidents, but Democrats protected him.

Warren’s stitched-up identity is a little raggedy around the edges — the Cherokee fakery, the false story about losing a teaching job to sexist discrimina­tion against pregnant women — but she isn’t the only one in the Democratic field with loose threads that might be tugged at. If Warren isn’t getting called out on her identity-fudging, it may be because there isn’t anybody in the Democratic field comfortabl­e pointing the finger.

The affirmativ­e-action programs that were designed to benefit the oppressed descendant­s of American slaves have disproport­ionately benefited relatively well-off people. The greatest beneficiar­ies — by far — have been college-educated women such as Warren. The Democratic Party presents itself as the champion of the poor, the black and the brown, but institutio­nally it is dominated by rich white women such as Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein. Its policies and priorities reflect that.

You might think that an actual woman of color in the Democratic presidenti­al race would say something about Warren’s shenanigan­s. But these identity questions get complicate­d. The people of color who are most prominent among contempora­ry Democrats are figures such as Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan economist and a white hippie from Wichita, and Kamala Harris, the daughter of an Indian cancer researcher and a Jamaican economics professor at Stanford. Harris leans pretty heavily on identity politics — “Kamala Harris is campaignin­g like she knows Black History Month is coming up,” Aaron Ross Coleman wrote in The Nation — but her life and her story are in many ways disconnect­ed from those of the African Americans for whom she offers up herself as a tribune. She may not be entirely comfortabl­e poking Warren on “authentici­ty,” whatever that word might actually mean in the context of something as comprehens­ively phony as a Democratic presidenti­al primary.

The left wants to like Warren. She’s a respectabl­e version of Bernie Sanders — no less vicious, but presentabl­e — and Democrats seem to believe that she has a good chance of beating Donald Trump. Trump loves teasing Warren about her Cherokee nonsense, and no Democrat wants to echo President Trump — even when he’s right. So they’ll pretend not to notice as Warren quietly deletes an old tweet about the DNA test that she once offered as evidence of her Cherokee ancestry, as she just has.

Sanders doesn’t have the heart to go after Warren’s fabricatio­ns. Harris apparently won’t do it. Poco O’Rourke isn’t up to the task. Native Americans are an important constituen­cy, but apparently there is no one in the Democratic Party willing to take a stand on the insult that Elizabeth Warren has offered them.

 ??  ?? Even as identity politics are front and center this primary season, don’t expect the party of progressiv­es to call out Elizabeth Warren.
Even as identity politics are front and center this primary season, don’t expect the party of progressiv­es to call out Elizabeth Warren.
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