New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Natalie ONeill, with Wires

Bigfoot just got even more elusive.

Someone snatched an 8-foot-tall, 300-pound statue of Sasquatch from a store in Florida, sparking a full-blown ape hunt.

The wooden sculpture was taken from outside Mattress Monsterz in Boynton Beach a few weeks ago, according to police, who are seeking tips about its disappeara­nce.

He was extra-cheesed off. A Wisconsin man got so mad about the lack of fromage on his Pizza Hut pie, he threatened a worker — and was tossed in jail.

The 25-year-old flipped out and screamed at the employee for skimping on his extra-cheese personal pizza in Weston. After he chucked the grub in the trash, he was charged with disorderly conduct.

After a Tennessee woman was attacked by a deer, her neighbors sided with the hoofed critter.

The unnamed Tellico Plains gal said she was fetching the mail when the animal slammed her to the ground and stabbed her with his antlers.

Folks who live nearby — who named the deer Louie, and considered him a pet — accused her of provoking the attack. But wildlife officials sided with the human and euthanized the animal.

A portly pet pig got so fat on greasy Chinese takeout that firefighte­rs in England had to remove him from his late owner’s home on a stretcher.

The 2-year-old, 420-pound Vietnamese pot-belly named Twiglet had to be sedated to be rescued in Rotherham after his owner died in August.

The swine is now on a diet at an animal shelter.

A New Zealand man is crying fowl after he accidental­ly bought 1,000 chickens for less than a dollar — and now has no clucking idea what to do with them.

Steve Morrow, of Massey, thought he was buying one free-range hen for 96 cents in an online auction.

He later begged friends on social media for help getting rid of the birds.

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