New York Post

Dems’ Impeachmen­t Fight: A Clear Failure All Around

THE ISSUE: House Democrats’ ongoing impeachmen­t inquiry into President Trump’s call with the Ukraine.

- James Barends Wayne, Pa.

Rich Lowry’s column on the House Democrats’ efforts is interestin­g, but he dances around the real reasons for the clear consternat­ion of Democratic leadership: The hearings were not a success (“A Lazy Impeachmen­t,” PostOpinio­n, Nov. 26).

I think Rep. Nancy Pelosi thought the Senate Republican­s would unite and vote to simply dismiss the impeachmen­t charge right up front. That move would have put the Democrats in a position to claim a cover-up and use it to attack the Republican senators who are up for reelection. It risked putting the Senate in play.

Instead, President Trump is demanding his “day in court.” It will tie-up half the Democratic presidenti­al field. It will allow Trump to shred the impeachmen­t investigat­ion and the charge.

It will create a nightmare for Democrats campaignin­g all across the country.

For all those who miss the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, have no fear; it has been replaced by Rep. Adam Schiff and the congressio­nal Democrats.

I am astounded at the stupidity of the Democrats. Whatever happened to: “When you’re in a hole, just stop digging”?

The Democrats are showing the country that they have nothing to offer voters in 2020. On top of this, they have not passed any legislatio­n of value.

Stephen Kruger Brigantine, NJ

After watching the despicable dog-and-pony show put on by Rep. Schiff, I learned one thing: He and the Democrats supporting him have robbed the people of this country once again.

I have to ask taxpayers: Are you happy working your backsides off making a lot less money than the politician­s who are not doing their job to represent the people?

The Democrats have gone after Trump unmerciful­ly at our expense and give themselves benefits that hardworkin­g men and women don’t get. Does that seem fair? I think not.

Gregory Topliff Warrenvill­e, SC

If Trump gets away with the bribery of Ukraine — abusing his power by holding up critical assets unless his personal political needs were met — he will betray his oath again and again.

Can we tolerate a president who will continue to serve himself rather than our nation? A president who places his own needs above even our national security? Trump makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln.

To anyone who still supports Trump: After all the shocking evidence that has come out over the past couple of weeks, I ask, “Have you no integrity, no wisdom, no sense of decency?”

Joe Weber Miami, Fla.

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Adam Schiff

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