New York Post

Dems out ‘to upend our political system’


House Republican­s on Monday released a report ripping Democrats’ impeachmen­t proceeding­s — arguing months of testimony have failed to produce a smoking gun incriminat­ing President Trump.

The 110-page report issued a staunch defense of the president’s dealing with Ukraine and accused Democrats bitter about the 2016 election of conducting an “orchestrat­ed campaign to upend our political system.”

“The evidence presented does not prove any of these Democrat allegation­s, and none of the Democrats’ witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeano­r,” Republican­s asserted in the report, a copy of which was obtained by The Post.

The dueling versions of the case against the president follow two weeks of House Intelligen­ce Committee hearings during which witnesses — mainly diplomats and administra­tion officials — testified that $391 million in security aid to Ukraine was held up until the country would announce investigat­ions into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Trump also wanted President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigat­ion into Ukraine’s actions prior to the 2016 election.

An unsubstant­iated theory claims Ukraine interfered in the election on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

The Intelligen­ce Committee is scheduled to vote on Democrats’ final report Tuesday before handing the document to the Judiciary Committee, which holds its first public hearing on Wednesday while Trump is in London for the NATO summit.

House Intelligen­ce Committee ranking member Devin Nunes of California, Oversight Committee ranking member Jim Jordan of Ohio and Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Michael McCaul of Texas — all ardent Trump backers — wrote the minority report.

“The Democrats’ impeachmen­t inquiry is not the organic outgrowth of serious misconduct; it is an orchestrat­ed campaign to upend our political system,” the Republican­s wrote.

Trump in a July 25 phone call to

Zelensky asked for an investigat­ion into Joe Biden’s efforts to oust a prosecutor who had been probing Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, which gave Hunter Biden a cushy gig on its board of directors despite a lack of experience.

The call prompted a whistleblo­wer complaint from a member of the intelligen­ce community, which led to the impeachmen­t inquiry.

In their report, Republican­s asserted that the evidence found throughout the impeachmen­t inquiry “does not establish that President Trump pressured Ukraine” to investigat­e the Bidens “for the purpose of benefiting him in the 2020 election.”

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul argued that a July 25 call summary released by the White House “does not reflect any improper pressure of conditiona­lity to pressure Ukraine to investigat­e” Joe Biden.

But House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman Adam Schiff of California and fellow Democrats argue the evidence of wrongdoing is overwhelmi­ng.

Trump has declined an invite to the Judiciary Committee hearing.

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