New York Post

No ‘Pride’ in cops

Marchers, police tussle in Village


The city’s annual Pride celebratio­n was held “virtually” on Sunday due to the coronaviru­s crisis — but that didn’t stop hundreds of people from packing together for a Manhattan march, where some clashed with cops.

The crowd at the Queer Liberation March protested under Black Lives Matter and other banners while waving rainbow flags as they walked from Foley Square near City Hall up to Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village.

The tensions erupted after officers spotted 29-year-old Brooklyn resident Michael Dunn allegedly vandalize a marked police car with black marker at about 4:30 p.m., law-enforcemen­t sources said.

Chanting, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!’’ the protesters confronted a NYPD officers, screaming in their faces. Some of the marchers and cops were not wearing face masks.

At one point a cop appeared to have been pepper-sprayed and another fell off his motorcycle, as other officers tried pushing back the crowd at Washington Square Park, according to video posted on social media.

Another officer was allegedly punched in the nose by Millen Dang, a 20-year-old from Brooklyn, who was later arrested, sources said.

At least one other protester, 25year-old Jacob Kruger of New Jersey was arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer outside the park.

The march was organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition. The hosts of the rally appeared on a livestream from inside the Stonewall Inn in the Village, where the historic gayrights riots started 51 years ago to the day.

The protest’s organizers boasted on Twitter that they did not have a permit for the march.

Meanwhile, organizers of the regular Pride March livestream­ed an online production to replace the usual parade celebratin­g the LGBTQ community, amid fears that the event would cause dangerous crowding conditions during the contagion.

Sunday was the event’s 50th anniversar­y.

Mayor de Blasio and his wife,

Chirlane McCray, appeared on Fifth Avenue while a series of decorated cars with balloons began slowly making their way downtown as part of the event, which was broadcast on various online platforms.

Gov. Cuomo appeared on video as part of the aired event, saying, “New York state will always lead this march for progress.’’

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 ??  ?? PARADE (UN)REST: Protesters clash with cops Sunday during a Queer Liberation March from City Hall to Washington Square Park. The annual Pride March was less dramatic, with much of it livestream­ed to avoid crowds.
PARADE (UN)REST: Protesters clash with cops Sunday during a Queer Liberation March from City Hall to Washington Square Park. The annual Pride March was less dramatic, with much of it livestream­ed to avoid crowds.

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