New York Post

Boos for Blasio at 5th Ave. BLM mural

The investigat­ion into the woman who called the police on a black man in Central Park.


Mayor de Blasio was greeted with jeers as he showed up to help paint a giant Black Lives Matter mural on Fifth Avenue outside Trump Tower on Thursday — with a some angry onlookers shouting, “Douchebag de Blasio!” upon his arrival.

Fifth Avenue between East 56th and 57th streets was closed off to traffic in the morning for the de Blasio-commission­ed project, which has been ripped by some, including President Trump, as a political stunt.

Department of Transporta­tion workers measured the big block letters and stenciled them with spray paint and tape.

Then, more than 40 volunteers with the youth-focused organizati­on Street Corner Resources filled in the words with yellow paint.

De Blasio arrived at around 11:30 a.m. and was greeted by two or three men shouting, “Douchebag de Blasio,” as he crossed the street.

He joined First Lady Chirlane McCray, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) to fill in the letter “L.”

“This is such an important moment for our city,” the mayor told volunteers, who chanted, “Black lives matter!” while holding paint rollers. “We are making a statement today of what we value in New York City.”

De Blasio left about 20 minutes later without addressing the media.

As the volunteers got to work, they were met with jeers from passersby, including Karen Braun, who yelled, “Hitler told us all lives didn’t matter, too! Shame on you!”

Susan Miller, 55, slammed de Blasio for sanctionin­g the mural — one of several painted across the five boroughs.

“There should be unity and not division and this mayor created division,” said Miller. “Mayor de Blasio did this out of hate. He doesn’t like the president.”

Hizzoner hatched the plan for the Trump Tower mural last month on the heels of a similar move by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, who had “Black Lives Matter” painted along the road leading to the White House.

Last week, Trump called the New York mural a “symbol of hate.”

“NYC is cutting Police $’s by ONE BILLION DOLLARS, and yet the @NYCMayor is going to paint a big, expensive, yellow Black Lives Matter sign on Fifth Avenue, denigratin­g this luxury Avenue,” the president tweeted.

De Blasio essentiall­y has to curry favor with Trump, having warned of mass layoffs if the city doesn’t get a federal aid from the administra­tion due to the pandemic.

“Everyone is just completely fed up,” a police source said about the mural. “Shootings are at the highest level they’ve been in decades and we have politician­s who care more about painting letters on the streets and renaming streets rather than trying to solve the shootings or find a way to fix them.”

But dad of four Randy Williams said the mural sends a positive message to youth.

“I am solely out here for the future. I want the world to be a better place,” Williams, 38, said. “It’s not about Trump or de Blasio. It’s about the kids.”

Christian Cooper, the bird watcher, won’t cooperate with an investigat­ion of Amy Cooper (“Park vic: I won’t aid DA vs. ‘Karen,’ ” July 8).

Cowardly District Attorney Cy Vance is unwilling to prosecute lawbreaker­s and looters for real crimes against the people who have lost livelihood­s. Catering to the ultra-blue Manhattani­tes who put him in office is obviously his most important objective. Never mind doing the job he was elected to do — bringing justice to those who have harmed our community.

Trying to be politicall­y correct is not the way of a district attorney’s office, sir. A hysterical woman who ruined her own life through her actions is really not your business. Henry Moskowitz Forest Hills

Libby Emmons doesn’t get it (“‘Karen’ busted, but she’s suffered enough,” PostOpinio­n, July 7).

The Central Park “Karen” incident wasn’t about a dog off a leash or someone being a busybody. It was about a woman weaponizin­g someone else’s race.

Instead of responding with: “You’re right, sir. My dog must be on a leash in New York City,” Amy Cooper called the cops on “an AfricanAme­rican man,” which might have resulted in his arrest. Sam Katz Manhattan

There is no doubt in my mind that Amy Cooper has been punished enough with loss of her job, public disgrace and critical media coverage.

Fortunatel­y, Christian Cooper has chosen not to cooperate with the DA, apparently feeling she’s been punished enough.

It is obvious in this era of increased political correctnes­s that small statements, no matter how harmless, can be given monumental importance.

Previously what occurred at Central Park would have been resolved with a handshake and no further action. Nelson Marans Manhattan

This entire episode is being blown so far out of proportion.

I believe Amy Cooper has been punished enough. Yes, she should have had her dog leashed, but we don’t know the tone of voice Cooper used in telling her what to do about her unleashed animal.

He only started recording her when she picked up her phone to report him menacing her. She probably would have done the same thing if he was white.

No one was hurt, shot or killed. So, all you donothing politician­s, get over it, and take care of the chaos at hand now. S. Kane, Brooklyn

Emmons unwittingl­y reveals exactly why Amy Cooper needs to be called to task and arraigned on misdemeano­r charges.

Her 911 call was not “allegedly” false, I’d say it

was false. There is video to prove it. Amy Cooper accused Christian Cooper of threatenin­g her. He did not. There was no “nuance” in the situation.

Is Emmons really completely unaware of the extensive history of white women calling the cops with false claims against black men and the violence and death that so often result?

Amy Cooper is not being punished for a dispute over a leashed dog. She is being punished for deliberate­ly involving law enforcemen­t in a lie that could have had dangerous repercussi­ons for another human being. Katherine Dieckmann Manhattan

It’s hard to define what makes a person “classy,” but New Yorkers know it when they see it.

A classy guy was on display in Wednesday’s Post. Central Park bird watcher Christian Cooper said he wasn’t going to help in the DA’s case against the “Karen” who called the cops on him because he asked her to leash her dog.

He said she suffered enough what with losing her job and all the bad publicity. Cooper is the kind of guy who’s not going to pile on when someone’s down. There’s a classy guy. Mike Reynolds Oro Valley, Ariz.

It’s disgracefu­l that Amy Cooper was forced to apologize.

When a woman is accosted by a large man in a wooded area, the first thing that comes to her mind is not “bird watcher.” She was justified in calling for help. She was frightened. Bill O’Toole Arlington, Va.

 ??  ?? EVERYONE’S A CRITIC: Volunteers on Thursday paint a giant Black Lives Matter mural on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower — attracting some complaints from passersby.and nasty digs at the mayor.
EVERYONE’S A CRITIC: Volunteers on Thursday paint a giant Black Lives Matter mural on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower — attracting some complaints from passersby.and nasty digs at the mayor.
 ??  ?? Amy Cooper
Amy Cooper

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