New York Post

The national political media’s unrelentin­g assault against the president STONE THROWERS

- CONRAD BLACK Conrad Black’s latest book is “Donald J. Trump, A President Like No Other.” He can be reached at or @conradmbla­ck. This piece originally appeared in National Review.

There has never been a presidenti­al campaign in the United States where the administra­tion was so massively opposed by the principal media outlets as in this election. Nor, in at least a century, have the national political media so widely and thoroughly discarded the traditiona­l criterion for journalist­ic profession­alism: the clear division between comment and reporting. Almost throughout the four-term presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the great majority of American newspapers was officially opposed to him. But far more important than the publishers’ editorial recommenda­tions were the generally favorable dispositio­n to him of the working press. He charmed them and the journalist­s ate from his hand.

Many aspects of the Trump presidency are unpreceden­ted; he is the first president never to have sought or held a public office, elected or unelected, or a high military command; and this is the first presidency, at least in living memory, in which almost the entire national political media have completely and constantly misreporte­d the president’s public remarks and policies. The former newspaper of record, The New York Times, has been commendabl­y forthright in declaring that it was opposing rather than just reporting on the Trump administra­tion. Trump delivered the greatest speech of his career on Friday evening at Mount Rushmore, devoted altogether to celebratin­g the idealism of the American Revolution, the suppressio­n of the Confederat­e insurrecti­on in the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, and the enactment — albeit tardily — of the Jeffersoni­an promise, renewed by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, that all men are created equal. The Washington Post editorial board declared that he had reached “new depths of depravity.” This is an outrage worthy only of the press of a totalitari­an country describing an opposition figure.

With very few exceptions, the United States is now served by a national political media that is incapable of reporting about the president accurately, that baits him at press briefings with disgusting insolence, and that is extraordin­arily negligent in ignoring or downplayin­g anything that reflects poorly on the president’s other enemies, the media’s allies in the war against the president. The hideous permutatio­n of the legitimate protests following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s on May 25 — protests the president endorsed — into widespread arson, pillage, vandalism, and assault resulting in more than 20 deaths in many cities across the country was largely ignored or de-emphasized by the media. On the July 4 weekend, Chicago had 87 shootings resulting in 17 deaths, New York City 64 shootings and 10 deaths, Atlanta 31 shootings and five deaths, and the crime rate in New York City since the City Council voted to reduce the annual police budget by a billion dollars has increased 130 percent over the correspond­ing figure in 2019. The anti-Trump media have said almost nothing about this.

The semi-organized mobs of urban guerrillas masqueradi­ng as social reformers and champions of racial equality have been generally soft-pedaled by the anti-Trump media as understand­able forces of resistance to Trumpian injustice. Black Lives Matter (BLM), a Marxist organizati­on that is anti-white and denies that all lives matter, has been sugar-coated as legitimate reform. Trump and most of American history and its most admired personalit­ies have been explicitly or tacitly debunked. The destructio­n of a statue of Frederick Douglass, America’s greatest 19th century black leader, in Rochester, like the destructio­n of a San Francisco statue of U. S. Grant, newly morally indistingu­ishable from his Confederat­e opponent, Robert E. Lee, was almost entirely ignored. Most of the national political media have treated the American public, in BLM Marxist parlance, as an ignorant lumpenprol­etariat unworthy of hearing the truth.

In the same spirit, the national political media have simply dismissed the administra­tion’s view of the evolution of the COVID-19 crisis. The fact that weekly fatalities have descended by nearly 90 percent in two months is never mentioned. Also rarely mentioned are the facts that large increases in detected coronaviru­s cases have occurred because almost 40 million Americans have now been tested and most of these new discoverie­s are cures, and that a large number of healthy people have con

tracted the virus with no or minimal symptoms as the country has reopened and are essentiall­y progress toward the general immunizati­on of the country, as second infections are rare and comparativ­ely resistible. The failure of the administra­tion’s COVID-19 policy has been enthroned as convention­al wisdom despite these contrary facts.

Another unique aspect of this election campaign is that the candidate who has emerged from a contested nomination, Joe Biden, is not now moving back toward the center. He was extracted by the party elders from the ditch where the primary voters had deposited him, transporte­d to the finish line on the wheels of the Democratic machines that have so disgraced themselves in the dissolutio­n of metropolit­an government in the last months, and in so far as he is campaignin­g at all, he is still moving to the left. He has promised to “transform America.” Given the influence now being exercised within his party of a rigorous, authoritar­ian socialism that no substantia­l American electorate has ever approved, that ticket is likely to be written by the Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez-BLM faction of the Democrats. At Mount Rushmore, the president condemned the socialisti­c and anti-American brainwashi­ng conducted in a great swath of American schools and universiti­es. The following day, Biden promised the primary teachers union (NEA) that he would abolish charter schools and produce an “education system for the teachers.” The status of the students and their parents was nebulous.

The principal reason for these unpreceden­tedly profound cleavages in public sentiment and media conduct is that this president ran as an outsider to win the Republican nomination and an upset victory for the presidency. He had attacked the governance provided by both parties as working almost indistingu­ishably together on key issues in the post-Reagan years, and was severely critical of the resulting Bush-Clinton-Obama record of poor economic growth, increasing poverty and violence at home, and in the world, enervating endless war in the Middle East and loss of status to a rising China as the Western alliance slowly disintegra­ted. He promised to drain the Washington swamp, conspicuou­sly including the national political media.

That he has been assaulted by all those whom he promised to depose or reform cannot be a source of amazement. As no such candidate had been elected before, it was impossible to foresee the fury and tenacity of the resistance to him. The Russian-collusion fraud, the spurious impeachmen­t, and the profound dishonesty of the national political media have been the result. If President Trump is reelected, his enemies will not have the strength or credibilit­y to continue to obstruct with the fiendish determinat­ion of his first term. If Joe Biden wins, he will be an ineffectua­l figurehead in a chaotic and radical administra­tion. With Trump gone, many of those distracted by their fear and hatred of him will return to a recognizab­le concept of the national interest, and the replacemen­t administra­tion will be an unmitigate­d shambles. From this distant point and in this hypothesis, the most likely president for 2024 could be a revenant Donald Trump, bidding to succeed Grover Cleveland as the only other two nonsequent­ial-term president in American history.

After four years of a dysfunctio­nal Biden Tower of Babel, Trump would be a nostalgic figure.

 ??  ?? President Trump honors US history at Mount Rushmore, but gets scorn from the media.
President Trump honors US history at Mount Rushmore, but gets scorn from the media.
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