New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Natalie O’Neill, Wires

Gee whiz — what a Mickey Mouse operation!

Rhode Island officials accidental­ly sent more than 175 tax-refund checks signed by “Walt Disney” and “Mickey Mouse,” instead of the state treasurer and controller.

The state’s taxation branch uses the famous cartoon character and his legendary creator’s “signatures” on test files — which were mistakenly printed on real checks.

This puts a new spin on “money laundering.”

A South Korean resident tried to wash money in a laundry machine to kill coronaviru­s germs, and lost thousands of bucks.

The person, identified by the surname Eom, damaged at least $19,320.

In the end, it didn’t go swimmingly.

A 30-year-old man broke into the Sydney Zoo in Australia and dove into an aquarium in his underwear while friends took video.

But cops tracked down the splashy suspect after pals posted the vid online, and he was charged with damaging an animal enclosure.

He picked the wrong hiding spot.

A Florida man fleeing police with drugs in his backpack bolted into a random building — a firehouse, cops said.

Delmetrice Wilson, 24, was allegedly traffickin­g crack, ecstasy and marijuana when he ran into the Clearwater Fire Department, without knowing it housed the city’s Bravest, who held him for cops.

They were rescued — “bearly!”

Cops in Colorado set free three bear cubs trapped inside a commercial dumpster while their angry mama paced around nearby.

Jefferson County Sheriff ’s officers said deputies responded to a late-night call from a passerby who reported that the animals were stuck in the dumpster with the lid closed.

Cops distracted the mama and flipped open the lid, allowing the bruin brood to flee.

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