New York Post

News OF THE World

- Jon Levine, Wires

A wild pig who made off with a nudist’s laptop could face an early demise because the locals are getting scared by the skyrocketi­ng number of swine skirmishes.

The mom boar, accompanie­d by her two little ones in a video that went viral, would be euthanized, the DW news Web site reports.

Wild boars usually stay to themselves but can’t seem to help bumping into humans spending more time outdoors because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

An all-female anti-poaching unit is helping keep at-risk elephants safe from ivory hunters.

The Akashinga patrols five former trophy-hunting parks and is an official arm of the Internatio­nal Anti-Poaching Foundation.

The group has proved devastatin­gly effective. Since 2017 it has driven poaching down more than 80 percent in the country’s Zambezi Valley and busted hundreds.

A tranquil Indian lake has become a macabre tourist draw.

Lake Roopkund, nestled high in the Himalayas, is currently home to the remains of 500 people, and it is now known as Skeleton Lake.

Nobody is quite sure how they got there. Researcher­s were left even more stumped after DNA showed the skeletons are those of humans from around the world spanning eras of human history.

Rodents of Unusual Size apparently do exist.

Rats the size of rabbits have taken over the Litherland section of Liverpool, England, and residents say the brazen creatures are multiplyin­g and getting bigger.

“It’s just nonstop. They were always coming into our garden so we blocked all possible entrances, but they seem to keep finding new ways [to get in]. They’ve taken over,” one resident told the Liverpool Echo.

There’s been a 13th shark attack Down Under — this time the woman survived after her husband punched the beast.

Chantelle Doyle was attacked by a 10-foot great white shark Saturday at Shelly Beach in Port Macquarie.

Doyle’s husband was surfing nearby and immediatel­y came to her rescue.

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