New York Post

Midtown homeless stab slay

- C.J. Sullivan, Tina Moore and Lee Brown

A homeless man was repeatedly stabbed in a Midtown shantytown — and left to die in a pool of his own blood, police said Sunday.

Pedro Diaz, 49, was found on West 38th Street at around 10 p.m. Saturday “bleeding heavily with stab wounds to his abdomen, chest and neck,” according to the NYPD.

He was taken to NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue in critical condition, but was pronounced dead at around 6 a.m. Sunday, police said.

Diaz was among at least a dozen people who had been sleeping in cardboard tents near a parking lot between Ninth and 10th Avenues, sources said.

He appeared to have been attacked inside the encampment before staggering up West 38th and collapsing on the same block, according to the sources.

The fatal fight appeared to start over “drugs or money,” one source told The Post.

The encampment — on the edge of a lot used mostly by Port Authority buses — was already a problem spot for locals.

“At first it was two guys, and then in the last couple of weeks it grew to like 10 to 15,” neighbor Gary Austin told The Post.

“They’d BBQ out there and they were up all night moving around like they were up to something — maybe selling drugs,” he said. “I called the cops but nothing was done.”

A delivery man, Veno Perez, also complained that the group was “no good.”

“They hustle in the Port Authority and Eighth Avenue and then come down and make a mess,” he complained.

“There’s a firehouse on the block — they need to hose them out,” he said.

Police on Sunday canvassed the area as well as checking nearby video footage. There had been no arrests, the NYPD said.

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