New York Post

This ‘1619’ Whopper Tops Them All

- Huh?

Not content with aiming to rewrite American history with its 1619 Project, The New York Times and project chief Nikole Hannah-Jones are now trying to rewrite the history of . . . the 1619 Project.

Hannah-Jones won a Pulitzer Prize for her piece kicking off the series, which explicitly aimed to make the first slave’s arrival on these shores the seminal event of US history — to paint “1619 as our true founding.”

“Out of slavery,” one Times editor explained, “grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptiona­l: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system.” Even the American Revolution was fought mainly to preserve slavery.

Yet now, apparently to dodge increasing criticism from President Trump and others, she’s now insisting: “The #1619Projec­t does not argue that 1619 is our true founding” — for claims to the contrary, blame “the right.”

She’s on the public record at plenty of appearance­s, such as an Ann Arbor event, saying the project asserts “our true founding is 1619 not 1776.” And the 2019 print edition of the project’s introducti­on says of the moment in 1619 when a ship with enslaved Africans arrived on our shores: “America was not yet America, but this was the moment it began.”

That line no longer appears in the online version, so the entire Times is a part of Hannah-Jones’ scheme to falsify her record.

This, after she’s had to correct the original essay several times to retreat from its most ridiculous claims (ones her own sources, such as Northweste­rn black history prof Leslie M. Harris, had debunked before she went to print). The online version now says “some of” the founders fought to preserve slavery — which is still misleading, since virtually none of them did so.

It’s almost as wormy as deleting “understand­ing 1619 as our true founding” from the project’s founding document — then pretending it was never there.

Having won a Pulitzer for her first bid to fake the historic record, Hannah-Jones seems to think she can do it whenever she likes.

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