New York Post

A Disgracefu­l Dem Display: Booing Prez at RBG’s Vigil


What a disgusting show from the crowd gathered supposedly to honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (“Jeers as Don salutes Ginsburg,” Sept. 25)

The leader of this nation, President Trump, and First Lady Melania Trump went to pay their respects and were shouted at and booed by the disgracefu­l mob.

Do they not have any sense of decorum for the ceremony taking place? Evidently not.

I have absolutely no respect for the mob or the politician­s who do not condemn this outrageous behavior. Jean Cole

Juno Beach, Fla.

When Trump and the first lady came to pay their respects to the late Justice Ginsberg, a chorus of boos and catcalls began, which was totally uncalled for.

While people have the right to disagree with the president, and may not care for him or his policies, they do not have the right to show such disdain in the manner that was done.

Ginsberg — a woman of character, decency and respect — certainly would not have treated the first couple in such a rude way, even though she didn’t agree with him on several issues.

He still is our commander in chief, and despite his gruffness at times, he still should he still should be shown respect as our president.

John Amato Fresh Meadow

Great observatio­n by

Miranda Devine in her “Conservati­ves Show Respect” article on Justice Ginsburg’s memorial service (“Liberal dose of lunacy on RBG,” Sept 21).

For Justice Ginsburg’s admirers to boo Trump’s appearance in showing his respects at the Supreme Court entrance was despicable.

Arthur Messenger


RIP, RBG. A note that during the evening vigils this past week for Justice Ginsburg, there was limited social distancing and not everyone was wearing a mask.

Vigils for liberals and protest marches and rioting are no problem. But, Trump’s rallies proves he’s a murderer.

People lined up for blocks to pay respects to Ginsburg, but it’s impossible to line-up for inperson voting? Total Democratic hypocrisy. Wayne Galvin


 ??  ?? President Trump
President Trump

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