New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Tamar Lapin, Wires

This rave really went down the toilet.

A 12-year-old British boy threw a secret dance party in his Manchester school’s bathroom during a lunch break — until it was shut down by teachers after about 30 minutes.

Staff at St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic School seized aspiring DJ Cael Bell’s equipment and called his mom — who asked on Facebook, “Am I wrong for finding this funny?”

Granny’s a Grinch! A Tennessee woman, Amy Best, 43, was busted three days before Christmas for allegedly stealing her grandson’s Nintendo Switch from under the family tree — and selling it at a local pawn shop.

It was “a sad day and time to see charges like this,” said Scott County Sheriff Ronnie Phillips.

Man bites dog.

An allegedly wasted California driver bit a police dog and barked at officers trying to arrest him Saturday night.

Jorge Bucioperez led Corning cops on a wild car chase, reaching speeds of up to 75 mph, before fleeing on foot and, when cornered, biting the K-9, and barking, authoritie­s said.

He had been drinking and methamphet­amine was found in his car, cops said.

This Maryland traffic mess involved a hunk of junk — food.

A tractor-trailer hauling 20,000 pounds of cheese balls overturned on I-495 in Montgomery County on Monday, spilling its cargo across two lanes of traffic.

A sand truck was called in to clean up the snack food.

That’s some bite!

A 13-foot Nile crocodile was captured on video chomping down on a younger baby croc in South Africa.

A tourist at Kruger National Park caught the beast dragging its 4-foot-long prey into the water and devouring it — in about a minute.

It’s rare, but not unpreceden­ted, for crocodiles to feed on their own species, according to animal experts.

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