New York Post

Wuhan lab break 'unlikely'

WHO disputes COV origin theory


World Health Organizati­on investigat­ors said Tuesday they believe it’s “extremely unlikely” the coronaviru­s escaped from a Chinese lab — although former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remained unconvince­d.

A team of WHO investigat­ors reached the conclusion after visiting the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus is believed to have originated at a food market in late 2019.

“Our initial findings suggest that the introducti­on through an intermedia­ry host species is the most likely pathway and one that will require more studies and more specific targeted research,” said WHO food-safety and animal-diseases expert Peter Ben Embarek in summarizin­g what the team learned.

“However, the findings suggest that the laboratory-incidents hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain the introducti­on of the virus to the human population.”

Instead, investigat­ors suspect the virus may have made the jump to humans through bats, though likely outside Wuhan, or through the sale of frozen animal products.

“There is the potential to continue to follow this lead and further look at the supply chain and animals that were supplied to the market,” Embarek said. “We know the virus can survive in conditions that are found in these cold, frozen environmen­ts, but we don’t really understand if the virus can transmit to humans.”

The Chinese government has promoted the idea that the virus can be found in frozen food — repeatedly announcing finding traces on imported packaging — while vehemently denying the possibilit­y that the pandemic was caused by a lab accident.

Pompeo, however, poured cold water on the WHO report, claiming to be aware of “significan­t evidence” that the virus could have sprung from a Chinese lab.

“I must say the reason we left the World Health Organizati­on was because we came to believe that it was corrupted, it had been politicize­d. It was bending a knee to General Secretary Xi Jinping in China,” Pompeo told Fox News, referring to the Trump administra­tion’s withdrawal from the WHO.

“I hope that’s not the case here with what they’ve announced today . . . I don’t believe it’s the case that they got access that they needed,” Pompeo added.

“I continue to know that there was significan­t evidence that this may well have come from that laboratory.”

Upon taking office, President Biden re-enrolled the United States in the WHO.

 ??  ?? FINDINGS: Researcher­s don’t believe the novel coronaviru­s emerged from a Wuhan lab such as P4 (pictured).
FINDINGS: Researcher­s don’t believe the novel coronaviru­s emerged from a Wuhan lab such as P4 (pictured).

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