New York Post

The WHO’s Latest China Whitewash


Ateam of World Health Organizati­on investigat­ors have “found” exactly what Beijing wants the world to believe about the origins of COVID-19: It’s “extremely unlikely” the virus leaked from a Chinese lab. Count it as yet another WHO whitewash.

The team spent a few days in Wuhan, where the outbreak was initially traced to a seafood market in late 2019 — and where, China admits, the government did its best to scrub all evidence. So it’s little surprise the investigat­ors learned little.

Nor, given China’s ruthless use of its power over internatio­nal organizati­ons, a surprise at all that WHO offered that “unlikely” statement.

In fact, the team also said more work is needed to identify the source of the virus, while sticking to the standard guess that the bug crossed to humans via “an intermedia­ry host species,” as WHO food safety and animal-diseases expert Peter Ben Embarek put it.

It’s been clear from the pandemic’s start that WHO is in Beijing’s pocket, actively working to help cover up the Chinese Communist Party’s misdeeds. And now, per Embarek, discouragi­ng any investigat­ion into whether the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Instead, the WHO team will focus on Beijing’s preferred suspect: the possibilit­y that the virus was transmitte­d through the sale of frozen animal products. How convenient.

The Biden administra­tion, having chosen to restore US ties with WHO, should raise hell about the group’s record of kowtowing to Beijing, or the world will have to expect the agency to keep endorsing the CCP’s lies.

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