New York Post

Networks strike out by employing A-Rod


SO NOW what? Now that Alex Rodriguez’s credibilit­y is so low, it seems his fiancée doesn’t trust him?

Well, he’ll remain MLB’s most visible and rewarded disreputab­le recidivist drug cheat and liar and the nation’s star prime-time Sunday MLB presence, speaking his all-knowing contradict­ory nonsense, as well as serving as the weekend star of Fox’s worthless MLB studio show.

Seems he’s still the team guy who scoured the stands during a Yankees playoff game in the hunt for “babes” then sent a ballboy to plot their rendezvous.

Seems he’s still the same guy who lent his fame, presence, visage, name and hard-learned drug lessons to an organizati­on combatting lethal steroid use in high school kids — only to betray that organizati­on and those kids by further juicing to further enrich his fame and fortune.

TV execs know what’s best for us. And in Rodriguez, two national MLB networks have determined that we’re smitten with him — and remain smitten with him — when we’re sickened by him.

Why? Is it because TV can’t do any better at half the cost? Or because TV thinks we don’t deserve any better? Or is it that TV hires dolts as its shot-callers?

So now what? Nothing, that’s what. We’ll be back to ESPN shooting heartthrob A-Rod in the booth — perhaps for a third time claiming that even-number leads are better than odd number leads. After all, Rodriguez is among those TV’s shot-callers think we covet, we drool over, we deserve.

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