New York Post

The pain behind Peloton’s Love


If you’re a Peloton devotee, you’ll recognize this week’s “Renaissanc­e Man” guest as one of the most well-known, energetic fitness instructor­s in the game.

Though I personally know her as the very talented in-arena host for the Brooklyn Nets, she’s also a woman’s empowermen­t guru and model. But Ally Love had to fight very hard for every last bit of it because her potential was almost squashed during a tragic childhood accident.

“At 9 years old, I was hit by a car . . . almost died,” she told me. Ally was at a family barbecue when she and her cousins went rushing up to the ice cream man. After she scored her sweet treat, she looked both ways to cross the street. But a parked car zoomed out and struck her.

“I was hit up in the air, landed on the hood of the car, rolled to the grass, broke my hip, cracked my teeth,” she said.

She wasn’t able to have surgery right away because they needed to order equipment for someone her size.

“I was rushed to the hospital, but not to surgery. So I’m laying in the bed for seven days with a weight at the end of my leg, separating my femur bone from healing incorrectl­y. I was losing a lot of blood and again, it was looking bleak,” she said.

“And so it was this time where my mom . . . came back in and she said something that would forever change my life,” Ally told me. “She said, ‘You can decide to let go and go on. Your father and I spoke, if that’s what you want to do, because it’s really hard. We understand. Or you can decide to pray to God and fight for your life. But what we know is that we can’t switch places for you.’ And so obviously that moment was pivotal. I decided to pray and to always fight for my life and never stop doing those two things.”

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