New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Kerry J. Byrne, Wires

A Utah model fell for a hair-brained scheme.

Megan Randolph got a text message offering a gig from a number she thought belonged to Redken haircare products.

The texter convinced Randolph to shave her head — and eyebrows, too.

All in exchange for a “couple thousand dollars” for a “modeling gig.” Sadly, the phone number, and the offer of cash, were fakes.

At least she had somewhere to go.

Laramie Blake was flush with panic after she got locked inside a New Mexico flea market porta-potty.

While Blake went about her business, somebody outside padlocked the door shut. A man heard her frantic pleas and freed the woman with bolt cutters.

A British woman now has a great story to tell the grandchild­ren — all thanks to a stowaway gecko.

Lisa Russell had just returned from the Barbados and opened her suitcase after the 4,000-mile journey only to find the little lizard squirming around — packed inside one of her bras.

“When it moved I started screaming,” she said.

Animal experts found the gecko in remarkably good health.

Illinois state troopers were chomping at the bit to solve this mystery.

When a guest at the state fair turned in a lost set of dentures, cops took to social media to find the owner of the “abandoned chompers.”

“The owner . . . should be reunited with their previously misplaced pearly whites very soon,” police reported.

Feline lovers in South Bend, Ind., have their claws out to aid a ravine-based feral-cat colony.

The colony has lived in a ravine, supported by human neighbors and vets who trap, feed, spay, neuter and vaccinate them, but now the city is evicting them by building a walking path.

The pussycat proponents are looking for a benefactor to find the felines a new home.

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