New York Post

Our brave new progressiv­e world, from A TO WOKE


In his woke instructio­n manual “1984,” author George Orwell wrote about how important it is to control the dictionary. The one who controls the language controls the past, present and future.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it,” Orwell wrote.

Thanks for the great idea, Mr. Orwell!

To that end, the staff of the satirical site The Babylon Bee has put together a glossary of all the words you’ll need to know if you want to sound smart while hanging out with your other woke friends.

Abolitioni­sm — The noble movement to remove all police protection from urban communitie­s and replace them with unarmed antiracist interpreti­ve dancers.

Antiracism — The act of judging everyone by skin color in order to defeat racism.

You ll find it in their new book, out next week, called “The Babylon Bee Guide to Wokeness.” But you, lucky progressiv­e, get an exclusive first look.

Canceling — The sacred ritual of shunning those who deny the doctrines of our righteous movement. Shun the nonbelieve­r!

Capitalism — A system in which people freely exchange goods and services. The evilest system that has ever been invented.

Cisgender — An unenlighte­ned normie who identifies with their biological sex.

C is gendered Hetero Patriarch on or mat ive White man spreading—What? No idea what this is. But it sounds terrible!

Climate Justice — The act of living in mud huts and eating bugs until the cancer of humanity is extinguish­ed and Mother Gaia can live on. Also, any tax can be considered climate justice.

Colorblind — Adjective describing someone who doesn’t see color or race. This is supremely evil, since it turns a blind eye to the lived experience and daily reality of people of color, who all have the same monolithic lived experience and daily reality.

Communism — Basically, it’s loving people and sharing with them, just like the Care Bears taught. It’s the greatest system ever invented.

Critical Theory — The classifica­tion of all human interactio­ns as some sort of power imbalance that must be remedied by dismantlin­g systems of oppression until all meaningles­s sacks of meat and chemicals are the exact same and life is uninterest­ing, which will make it much easier for humans to just kill themselves, which is the ultimate goal here.

Cultural Relativism — The essential belief that all cultural ideas are equally valid and must never be compared to an objective moral standard. This belief must be held until the West is destroyed. Then we can stop believing it.

Deadname — When you erase a trans-body by referring to them by the name given to them at birth. This is basically the same as murder. If you do it by accident, it’s just manslaught­er, though.

Desegregat­ion — The wicked act of invading black spaces with physical whiteness and white thinking.

Do Better — Believe the same things as me or things will be really bad for you. This is a warning.

Dog Whistle — A top-secret racism signal that signals all the racists to do the racism. Thousands of racists are standing by waiting to hear the dog whistle before they activate. Aryans, assemble!

Empowermen­t — When someone does something the dominant culture considers really degrading, but all the good people say, “You go, girl!”

Equity — When everything is fixed and everyone is happy and all the problems go away. Just give us power, and we’ll give you equity!

Fascism — Anything that is not woke. Can be addressed with beating and shooting.

Feminist — Someone who believes that men and women should be equal and men should also die.

Folx — The gender-neutral version of “folks,” which was already gender neutral to begin with. So it’s DOUBLE genderneut­ral! Wait, does that cancel it out? We need to rethink this one.

Gender — How DARE you!

Genocide — Any time a marginaliz­ed person’s humanity is erased by someone not agreeing with them. Example: “Your refusal to validate my personal experience is literal genocide.”

Hate Speech — Any speech that you disagree with, no matter how slightly.

Heteronorm­ativity — An oppressive environmen­t induced by most people not being gay.

History—Systemic colonial patriarcha­l propaganda that others BIPOC and minority gender identity groups. Also, it’s boring and there are a lot of guns, which we don’t like.

Homophobe — Anyone who disagrees — no matter how slightly — with the LGBTQ community. Should be destroyed.

Institutio­nal Racism — Racism is so powerful that it invisibly affects our institutio­ns. Any time there is a disparity between different groups of people, that is always automatica­lly proof of institutio­nal racism.

Intersecti­onality — When you are a member of multiple oppressed groups at once, it MULTIPLIES your woke power. Wel

come to intersecti­onality!

Internaliz­ed Oppression — When a woman makes a sandwich for her husband.

Double Internaliz­ed Oppression — When a black woman makes a sandwich for her white Republican husband.

Justice — When injustice is done in service to a marginaliz­ed group.

Liberation — The ultimate goal of wokeness. Can only be achieved through a communist overthrow of Western capitalism. Yay!

Lived Experience — The final, ultimate and infallible source of all truth — as long as you are a member of an oppressed minority.

Male Tears — When you punch a stupid white male in the face and he cries due to his white male fragility.

Mansplaini­ng — When a man ’splains something to a woman. This makes women feel bad for being so dumb. Not cool!

Manspreadi­ng — When a man sits with his knees apart instead of elegantly crossed like an elderly Jeff Goldblum. This act is no different than sexual assault.

Marxism — The greatest philosophy ever invented. Some say it has resulted in mass death and famine, but that’s only because true Marxism has never been tried.

Meritocrac­y — This is when people are allowed to rise and fall in a free society based on their talent and efforts. Meritocrac­y is racist because talent and effort are aspects of white culture and minorities shouldn’t be forced to live in such a system.

Microaggre­ssions — Aggression­s so small you need to be very alert and observant in order to see them. The proper response to them is a macroaggre­ssive punch to the face.

Misogynist — Another word for “man.”

Narrative — The story we tell about reality, more real than reality itself. Surrender to the narrative!

Nazi — Someone who believes in liberty, free speech and small government, or anyone who dislikes Cardi B’s music.

Objectivit­y — The act of being impartial, which is an oppressive characteri­stic of white thinking and a racist dog whistle.

Oppression — The act of disagreein­g with wokeness while refusing to die. Example: “Your very existence as a conservati­ve white person is oppressing me.”

Patriarchy — An evil cabal of white men who got together and decided to have stronger muscles than women while making them have babies.

People of Color — Black and brown bodies who stand in solidarity with the struggle for communist revolution. These are special people who need the assistance of white liberals to survive.

Problemati­c — Whatever we don’t like today is problemati­c. This can change from day to day.

Queer — A gender identity you can pick when you’re not actually L, G, B or T, but still want to be one of the cool, marginaliz­ed kids.

Racism — A system of racism establishe­d by racists to protect racism, which means racism can mean whatever we want it to mean. And if you disagree, you’re a racist.

Rape — This used to mean forced sexual assault, but now it can mean doing anything remotely masculine, such as building a skyscraper, manspreadi­ng or disagreein­g with a feminist.

Safe Space — A warm, moist, sheltered cocoon of safety where marginaliz­ed people can feel safe, kind of like a uterus.

SCIENCE — The grand, majestic deity that holds the world together, whose TRUTH is administer­ed by a priesthood of infallible scientists, and whose precepts we will follow with the faith of a child. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF SCIENCE.

Segregatio­n — The noble and anti-racist practice of segregatin­g black and brown bodies from their white oppressors to create spaces where whiteness cannot encroach.

Shaming — An evil act where you try to make someone feel bad for something they did that was bad.

Socialism — Diet communism with lime.

Systemic — A magic word that makes any kind of oppression sound much worse. Racism? Meh. Systemic racism? Scary!

Tokenism — When you shove an LGBTQ+ or POC character into your Netflix show just to get points on social media. So, like, every Netflix show ever made.

Tolkienism — When you shove a 3,000-year-old elf into your Netflix show.

Trans — The bravest members of the LGBTQ community and the current favorites, until something cooler comes along.

Transracia­l Neurodiver­gent Kinkableis­m — No idea what this is, but it sounds really bad.

Truth — An ancient myth from way back in the year 2019. People used to think there were “facts” we could all agree on. But no longer.

Victim — You. Me. Everyone. Except white people.

Violence — Speech.

Whiteness — The original sin, first exhibited by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When Eve took a bite of that fruit, that was whiteness manifestin­g itself.

White Fragility — If you call someone a racist and they go, “Hey, what? I’m not a racist!” that’s a clear example of white fragility.

White Supremacy — Literally everything. Just look around yourself — Pencil. Keyboard. Coffee cup. Brownies. All white supremacy.

Whitesplai­ning — When white people try to explain to you the appeal of ranch dressing, Starbucks and The Killers.

Woke — The good guys. One who has woken up to the plight of the oppressed and done something about it by posting virtue signals on Instagram.

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 ?? ?? Antifascis­m — The act of beating people senseless with bike locks to defeat fascism.
Antifascis­m — The act of beating people senseless with bike locks to defeat fascism.
 ?? ?? Ally — A straight white male who kills himself.
Ally — A straight white male who kills himself.
 ?? ?? Fatphobia — The fear of big, beautiful cholestero­l and diabetes.
Fatphobia — The fear of big, beautiful cholestero­l and diabetes.
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