New York Post

NY Democrats vs. Democracy


The state Appellate Division just got it half-right on the Legislatur­e’s gerrymande­r, correctly blasting the US House-seat maps as drawn expressly “to discourage competitio­n and favor Democrats” and thus violating New York’s Constituti­on.

But the court left the state Senate maps intact, though those are as skewed and directly benefit the Democratic legislator­s who dictated them.

Even so, the party that loves to mouth pieties about defending democracy suffered a stinging judicial slap over its blatant bid to disenfranc­hise voters and end-run the state Constituti­on. Yet that might not be enough.

The case heads next week to the Court of Appeals, where the political interests backing the gerrymande­r will challenge the ruling against the House maps, while the attorneys repping the voters who brought suit in the first place will argue — again, correctly — that the Senate maps need to go, too.

Andrew Cuomo-appointed Dems utterly dominate the Court of Appeals, so cross your fingers that its members decide as judges, not as politician­s.

The ruling on the Senate maps is crucial: If that gerrymande­r lives, it all but ensures near-permanent Democratic control in Albany, leaving the state forever victim to the high-taxing, free-spending, crime-loving policies driving people elsewhere in droves.

Look, this isn’t hard: If the House maps violate the Constituti­on, so do the Senate maps. That’s why even the pro-gerrymande­r lawyers had to argue technicali­ties (like claiming voters have no right to sue over the maps) and admit that “the process [creating the maps] was along partisan lines.” That’s why Judge Patrick McAllister was correct in tossing both sets of maps last month.

Letting these maps stand would be a crime against the people of New York. If the Court of Appeals signs off on the gerrymande­r, it’s

declaring itself nothing but a bunch of Democratic hacks camouflage­d in black robes.

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