New York Post

Following the Science: The End of Mask Mandates


I have no use for liberals who are “outraged” over the end of mask mandates on planes and other mass-transit vehicles (“Travel masks off,” April 19).

No matter how many studies have said that masks were never effective against the spread of COVID, those on the left worship at the feet of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who did more to harm this country’s mental health than anyone else.

Joe Nugent

Staten Island

Airlines pushed for no more mask mandates because airlines know that as soon as passengers board, they remove their masks to have a beverage and when eating.

Many nurse a bottle of water the entire flight and bring snacks on board with them, and many wear the masks loose or over and over again, which eliminates any protection.

Everyone should have the freedom to choose, and businesses should have the freedom to require or not.

No mandates on our bodies. Freedom of choice for all. Make your decision based on what’s best for you or the situation.

S.L. Chute


The Republican Party has been complainin­g for most of my 75 years that unelected judges make law. This was a rallying cry used against Democrats selecting judges who made rulings that they didn’t like.

Then, because of former President Donald Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republican­s were able to fill the courts with their judges.

Recently, a Trump-appointed judge with no real trial experience ruled that the CDC mask mandate was contrary to law.

This is just one example of Republican-appointed judges overturnin­g decisions of administra­tive agencies that have mandates to protect the public.

I did not read of one Republican lawmaker criticizin­g the judge’s decision. The reason is obvious: The Republican­s agree with the decision.

Alan Podhaizer


A possible solution to the polarizing mask issue on public transporta­tion would be to have both “masked” and “unmasked” cars on trains (or buses dedicated to one or the other). This would be akin to the old “smoking” and “nosmoking” rail cars.

In this way, everyone could choose to travel with passengers with whom they feel most comfortabl­e.

Richard Rafal


The ruling by a federal judge that the mask mandate on airlines and public transporta­tion should be overturned has created more confusion and uncertaint­y among the public as to what they should do.

Many will continue to wear their masks on planes, trains and other forms of public transporta­tion, and many will not wear them.

Some cities have also lifted mask mandates on public transporta­tion, but there are cities that are continuing to keep them in place.

Ever since this pandemic began more than two years ago, there has been nothing but controvers­y and confusion regarding the validity of wearing masks to help mitigate the spread of the virus.

Enough is enough. Eventually, wearing masks should be stopped. How much longer is this going to go on? It certainly can’t go on indefinite­ly.

John Amato

Fresh Meadows

What possible rationale could there be for continuing the use of cloth masks, when the futility of wearing them to prevent transmissi­on of the virus has been scientific­ally demonstrat­ed?

The only result of the useless mask mandate has been the creation of a false sense of security, which has endangered us all and brought specific harm to children.

James Evans

Worcester, Mass.

 ?? AP ?? A group of passengers waiting to board a flight.
AP A group of passengers waiting to board a flight.

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