New York Post

Eric: Make me head of the class, Albany

- By ZACH WILLIAMS in Albany and BERNADETTE HOGAN in New York City

Mayor Adams and his top deputies met with some key Albany lawmakers Tuesday, lobbying for an extension of mayoral control of the city’s school system — although “no consensus” was reached on a final plan.

Adams took the train up early to make scheduled meetings with top Education Committee chairs Assemblyma­n Michael Benedetto (DBronx) and state Sens. Shelley Mayer (D-Westcheste­r) and John Liu (D-Queens) early in the day.

“I told him it was good that he was in Albany because my members should be seen and talked to,” said Benedetto, chairman of the Assembly’s Education Committee.

“I don’t know if anybody’s in City Hall today!” he quipped after attending a 10 a.m. meeting with Adams, city Schools Chancellor David Banks and roughly 20 other city officials.

But he admitted there’s still no deal to grant Adams control of the city’s public schools.

“I told him we’re not there yet. We’re still digesting all the opinions,” he said, telling The Post he hopes to present a final proposal to Democratic Assembly members by early next week.

Adams has until June 2 to win a renewal of the program, which is essential to his education platform.

In brief remarks with reporters Tuesday, Hizzoner expressed confidence in getting an extension of mayoral control before lawmakers leave Albany for the year.

“This is the process. I served up here. I understand that these lawmakers want to hear from us, they want to hear from their constituen­ts.

And you know, this was a good exchange of ideas. I took a lot of notes,” said Adams, a former state senator.

Adams’ full-court press in Albany for city priorities was received well by pols, after critics slammed City Hall for perpetuati­ng a dysfunctio­nal and ineffectiv­e lobbying effort in the halls of the state Capitol.

‘A really good move’

“It was really a good move for him to come to Albany,” said Liu, the Senate’s New York City Education chairman, who criticized Adams back in March after the mayor hastily exited a legislativ­e hearing on education.

“He directly answered a lot of the legislator­s’ questions and responded to concerns because a lot of them haven’t heard directly from him on this issue. So I think that instilled a lot of confidence.

“I think it will be renewed. We’re not going back to the system of local school boards 20 years ago. But is it going to be extended for four years with no changes? No, that’s not likely either,” he added.

The measures presently up for debate as negotiatio­ns continue include:

Granting Adams between a one- to four-year extension of mayoral control of schools;

Term limits for appointees to the Department of Education’s governing body, the Panel for Education Policy;

More parental involvemen­t in school control on a community basis.

Assemblywo­man Alicia Hyndman (D-Queens) — who partook in an over-hour-long forum with members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislativ­e Caucus — noted the time frame is still up for debate.

“There isn’t a consensus, it depends on which member you ask of New York City where they stand,” she said. “I think there is more of a consensus to continue. However, the time limits — whether it be two year, three year, four years — I think that’s what’s been contested right now.

 ?? ?? CAPITOL IDEA: Mayor Adams visits the state Capitol on Tuesday to plead his case to legislator­s for city priorities.
CAPITOL IDEA: Mayor Adams visits the state Capitol on Tuesday to plead his case to legislator­s for city priorities.

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