New York Post

Princeton vs. Dissent


Eminent linguist Joshua Katz was fired Monday by his longtime employer Princeton University in what seems (despite the school’s denials) to be a straightfo­rward act of political retaliatio­n. His offense? Questionin­g woke orthodoxy.

Katz dared write a 2020 article criticizin­g a letter signed by many Princeton faculty and students. That missive demanded the school take such “anti-racist” actions as axing SAT requiremen­ts, giving extra sabbatical time to “faculty of color” and creating a nebulous committee to hold the entire university accountabl­e for its efforts on this front.

In other words, the signatorie­s demanded a total sacrifice of academic freedom. Katz spoke up to defend the real mission of the university — to educate, not indoctrina­te — and now has paid the price.

Princeton claims his firing is due to his behavior during a years-old investigat­ion of a relationsh­ip he had with a student, but Katz was already punished for that infraction — and the timing is utterly transparen­t.

Katz is hardly the only academic purged for speaking his mind. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) reports that at least 111 professors were targeted for ideologica­l reasons last year.

Wokeism keeps piling up heads: Harvard suspended economist Roland Fryer from teaching for two years (citing sex-harassment claims) after his research challenged orthodoxie­s on race and class. Georgetown Law suspended professor Ilya Shapiro indefinite­ly over tweets about Joe Biden’s vow to consider only black women for his first Supreme Court pick.

It’s all about imposing draconian rules for what professors (and students) can say, write or think.

Debating ideas you disagree with is the

sine qua non of liberal democracy. That makes the woke effort to destroy campus dissent not just a war on academic freedom, but an attack on civil society itself.

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