New York Post

Quit Whining, Joe


Why is President Biden, the most powerful man in the world, constantly whining about how darn unfair everything is? With numerous crises unfolding on his watch — our inflation disaster and looming recession, for starters — NBC reports his response is to complain about having had to deal with everything but locusts.

Steering the nation through treacherou­s waters is your job, Mr. President. Especially since these crises are largely your own doing.

Take inflation: Ream after ream of data shows that Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan sent our already-hot economy spinning out of control in 2021, sticking us with four-decade-high consumer-price inflation now. And spending a year insisting inflation was “transitory” didn’t help.

Or our energy crisis: Many factors drive big price jumps at the pump, but they’ve been made far worse by Team Biden insane war on the US gas and oil industries.

The prez also loves to pass the buck. the pages of The Wall Street Journal, he just blamed the Fed on inflation (and Congress on guns). Worse, the rest of his piece pushes more of the terrible policies that drove inflation in the first place. Like “clean energy tax credits” instead of letting oil companies drill. Or price controls for insulin instead of policies to make sure average Americans can afford food.

Joe Biden is the leader of the free world; commander-in-chief of the most powerful armed forces ever known; head of state in history’s largest, most dynamic economy. The idea that he has any standing to blame others is absurd. The buck stops here, said the sign on Harry Truman’s desk.

Every presidency is defined by events, some foreseen and some unforeseen. How you prepare for and handle them is the true definition of leadership. Moaning about the hand you have been dealt is a loser’s mentality. As an old saw cited by another president (JFK) notes: “Good judgment is usually the result of experience. And experience is frequently the result of bad judgment.”

Biden needs to take these lessons to heart, or the nation he claims to love will keep on suffering.

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