New York Post

‘Expert’ Disinforma­tion (for Hire)


America’s self-serving “intel experts” are at it again, this time for profit: warning of perilous consequenc­es from antitrust legislatio­n to rein in Big Tech — from cushy perches funded by Big Tech.

And this group overlaps heavily with the officials who flashed their credential­s while telling the world to ignore The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop in advance of the 2020 election, suggesting our sources were Russian disinforma­tion — when their claims were the actual disinforma­tion.

As The Post’s Lydia Moynihan and Theo Wayt report, the new warnings come in an open letter circulatin­g on Capitol Hill from groups funded by Google, Meta, Amazon and other tech firms. In the missive, the likes of Leon Panetta, James Clapper and Mike Morrell cite Russian atrocities in Ukraine — and then charge that limiting US tech firms could “enhance our adversarie­s’ capabiliti­es” when it comes to “Russia’s and China’s growing digital authoritar­ianism.”

From the track record of Clapper & Co. (many of whom also pushed the Clintonite-orchestrat­ed “Russia gate” dis info offensive, as well as the laptop lie), this letter tells us only the result they want (killing the bills), not whether they even understand the issues at stake or have actually looked at the evidence.

The bipartisan efforts in Congress to check Big Tech aim to bolster competitio­n by, for one, barring these firms from favoring their own products over competitor­s’, forcing a revamp of the business models of Google and Meta and possibly breaking them up.

“These signers are keen to have Big Tech censor so-called misinforma­tion, yet these letters themselves are full of it,” says Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “They wanted to control the narrative then like they want to control it now: by removing all competitio­n for Big Tech monopolist­s and censors.”

We haven’t reviewed all the bills, but the hostile testimony from these “intel veterans” amounts to strong evidence that Grassley and other anti-trust warriors are on the right track.

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