New York Post

DeSantis Over Trump: A Better Choice for the GOP


Piers Morgan is spot-on when he argues that it is time for a move from The Donald to The Ronald (“Move over, Don — Ron can take it from here,” June 21).

If Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump decide to run for the presidency in 2024, Trump will be hardpresse­d to disparage the governor without reconfirmi­ng to all what an erratic, petulant and petty person he can often be.

It won’t play well — and I say this as someone who voted for the former president in 2016 and 2020. Raymond Goydon

Delray Beach, Fla.

The fact that DeSantis bested Trump in the Western Conservati­ve Summit straw poll of 2024 presidenti­al candidates clearly indicates that The Donald could be replaced by The Ronald.

Although most Republican­s see coordinate­d Democrat chicanery in the 2020 election, they were put off by 45’s reckless attempt to get his vice president, Mike Pence, to overturn the election results.

The Republican presidenti­al bench is deep, but

the alleged kingmaker still wants to be the king.

The GOP has a problem on its hands, which the Jan. 6 committee might solve for it. James Hyland


Morgan did an excellent job of comparing and contrastin­g DeSantis and Trump.

DeSantis is the real deal: a politician who sees the larger picture and moves his party to help meet the challenges.

Trump is a one-note buffoon. I voted for him twice; however, if he gets the nomination for 2024, I will stay home, as will

millions of others sick of Trump’s delusions. This will ensure any Democrat will win the White House.

I used to have a friend, a rabid Trumper, who cannot win arguments on truth. I asked him: “Why should people support Trump when he offers only his belief that the 2020 election was stolen?” Out came the insults and demands. Typically, like all Trumpers, he could not deal with criticism of his man.

I had my disagreeme­nts with DeSantis early on, but have come to the conclusion he is the only candidate who can right the ship of state. Trump will scuttle it. Stephen Valentini

Bonita Springs, Fla.

Morgan is 100% correct. We need a president with high intelligen­ce in the Oval Office, as our present predicamen­t makes all too obvious.

DeSantis is not only far more intelligen­t than Trump, but also more firmly grounded in reality and more ethical and discipline­d. Paul Matten

Naples, Fla.

 ?? ?? Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis

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