New York Post

San Fran’s Warning to NYC


Attention, New York politicos — want proof that so-called safe-injection sites do nothing to help communitie­s suffering in the opioid epidemic? Look no further than San Francisco.

Mayor London Breed has arranged to shut down the “Linkage Center” in the heart of the Tenderloin district — where she last year declared a state of emergency as drugs flooded the area and killed its citizens.

Linkage was supposed to get addicts into treatment. Yet, of the 23,000-odd it “helped” from last April through this January, it referred only 18 for treatment. The rest likely used it as a shooting gallery and moved on.

San Francisco saw 49 overdose deaths the month Linkage opened — and the same level in the months that followed: Linkage made no real difference. Yet it cost the city’s taxpayers a whopping $19 million.

Insanely, Breed says she’ll likely set up another “safe consumptio­n” site in the near future (though that could be empty noise).

New York, which is embracing its own safe-injection sites, must rethink. The numbers side with the skeptics here: Helping people shoot up does zilch to end the opioid crisis. “Safe” sites neither get people out of addiction nor save lives.

Which makes the city’s embrace of them all the more disturbing. Indeed, the tactic’s fundamenta­l callousnes­s is clearly seen in the absurd subway ads offering helpful tips on how to use heroin “safely.”

Worse still, this idiocy looks set to go national. The Biden administra­tion has signaled it will likely try to regulate such sites, rather than crack down on them.

Cities absolutely can do things to fight this epidemic, like keeping the pressure on dealers through policing. The feds can fight trafficker­s — first and foremost by getting serious about border security. The drug driving deaths, fentanyl, flows here from Mexico.

Injection sites and drug positivity only bring more death and misery.

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