New York Post


Approval at 36%


President Biden’s approval rating has continued to slip, hitting 36% — one of the lowest levels seen in the past few months, according to a new survey.

A recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll out Wednesday found that the president’s job approval rating dropped 3 percentage points in just one week and 6 percentage points from the start of June.

Wednesday’s findings are just shy of the president’s average approval rating, which sits at approximat­ely 39.8%, according to data collected by RealClearP­olitics. The average rating hit a record low of 38.9% on June 13.

Biden’s approval rating hit a record low of 33% earlier this month, a Quinnipiac University survey found, and the president has struggled to regain Americans’ confidence as inflation continues to soar.

Even members of his own party have lost trust in Biden, with only 73% approving of the job he is doing as president — down one percentage point from the week before while also down a whopping 12 points from a similar survey done last August.

Since then, Biden’s approval rating has stayed below 50%, the Reuters/Ipsos survey found — sparking concerns about voter confidence in the Democratic Party as the fall midterm elections grow closer.

Concerns about record inflation, sky-high gas prices and supply-chain issues are looming over the upcoming elections — with 34% of Americans saying the economy is the most important issue that the US is facing.

Three-month respite

The Biden administra­tion is looking to reduce some of the strain on Americans’ pockets in the coming weeks by suspending federal gas taxes for three months. The move would erase the federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon of gas and 24.4 cents on diesel.

As of Thursday, the average cost of gas sits at $4.94 per gallon in the US, though some states — such as California — are seeing well over $6.

“By suspending the 18-cent federal gas tax for the next 90 days, we can bring down the price of gas and give families just a little bit of relief,” Biden said Wednesday, calling on Congress to take action.

It is unclear if the move will pass in both chambers of Congress as both parties remain internally split on the issue.

Wednesday’s survey was conducted among 1,002 Americans — including 435 Democrats and 379 Republican­s.

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