New York Post

Saying adiós, Dems

Latinos flee wokesters for GOP


RECENT brouhahas over Jill Biden comparing Hispanics to tacos, the purchase of conservati­ve Spanish-language radio stations with George Soros’ money and the plucky campaigns of four GOP Latinas in Texas and Virginia are symptoms of something deeper and perhaps more durable than progressiv­es want to admit.

In fact, a reason progressiv­es dismiss what is taking place is probably that they know that their extreme and irrational ideology is the force driving a political realignmen­t that may rival that which took place in the 1850s, which gave us the Republican and Democratic parties.

If you want to know the catalyst for the Great Migration of voters with ancestries in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, etc. to conservati­ve radio and the Republican Party, look no further than this week’s surreal exchange between Sen. Josh Hawley and a Berkeley law professor insisting that men can and do get pregnant. Yes, that happened.

You say that to an abuela, and the most likely response will be “Que?” followed by a quick “Adiós!”

In the 1850s, the boiling, stinking cauldron of slavery destroyed the Whig Party and divided the Democrats. The two parties that we still have to this day emerged from the ashes.

Today’s Democratic Party’s main concerns have become the usage of right pronouns, the insistence that — against all biological evidence — men can menstruate and become impregnate­d, and the farcical propositio­n that America is an oppressive society. Oh, and they want to call Hispanics “Latinx,” which Hispanics abhor.

The Republican Party, on the other hand, now vies to defend the interests of working Americans for whom President Biden’s inflation causes deep pain, for whom the division of labor has often meant the subtractio­n of jobs, and who can’t vote Washington bureaucrat­s out of office.

Among these hardworkin­g Americans one finds many people named Garcia, Flores, de la Cruz and Vega, which also happen to be surnames of Cassy, Mayra, Jessica, and Yesli, four spunky candidates running for House seats in the midterms this year. The first three are from Texas, while Yesli Vega is running in a toss-up seat in Virginia.

Raul Reyes, member of the USA Today Board of Contributo­rs, huffed and puffed this week that these women are “not the real deal.” Yeah, that happened. The New York Times — after years of heaping praise on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — haughtily referred to the four Republican­s as “Far Right Latinas.” That happened, too.

What these papers cannot explain is why polls have for two years now consistent­ly shown a significan­t migration of voters with Spanish surnames to the Republican side.

Democrats may dismiss all this, but behind the surface progressiv­es are in a deep funk. This is why a hastily put together media consortium led by two Democratic activists — one of whom is a BLM surrogate — is seeking to buy 18 Spanish stations with money from Soros.

And it is also why this snakebitte­n White House sent the first lady to speak to a radical group that for decades went under the name of La Raza (it has now tried to clean up its act and goes by UnidosUS, shedding the name “The Race”). Reading from the teleprompt­er, Biden compared Latinos to Bronx bodegas — which she unhappily pronounced “bow-geh-das”) and to San Antonio “breakfast tacos.”

Humiliatio­n ensued — as it often does in our social media age — and the first lady apologized.

But that won’t end a demographi­c tsunami that may be coming for Democrats.

Gonzalez is a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation. His last book was “BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution”

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