New York Post

Chuck’s Fentanyl Fight: Ignoring the Open Border


Sen. Chuck Schumer must think the American people are ignorant (“Schu Rips Color ‘Scheme,’ ” Sept. 26).

He wants Congress to allocate about $300 million to fight fentanyl.

All the money in the world isn’t going to stop the problem until Schumer and his fellow Democrats do one thing: Secure the southern border.

Ted Rallis Mamaroneck

So now all of sudden, just before the midterm elections, Schumer and the Democratic Party are pretending to care about the fentanyl crisis that has been killing thousands of Americans for several years.

His party, by opening up our borders, is directly responsibl­e for fentanyl getting into the country in the first place and causing all these deaths.

These same Democrats who kiss up to communist China say nothing about Chinese vendors giving Mexican drug cartels the chemicals to make fentanyl to distribute throughout the United States.

As a former law enforcemen­t officer of 35 years, I’ve seen firsthand the devastatio­n it has caused American families. Bryan Carty Jensen Beach, Fla.

More stupidity from the mouth of Schumer. This buffoon wants $300 million in federal taxpayer dollars to stop the scourge of rainbow fentanyl.

The fentanyl ingredient­s are coming from communist China. It’s then made in Mexico, and

crosses our border that’s wide open due to the intentiona­l idiocy of the Biden administra­tion. The border was very secure when Donald Trump was president because of his “Stay in Mexico” policy, his putting a stop to catch-and-release and his work to build the wall.

Chuck, with a secure border, there would be no fentanyl killing our youth. The root causes of our problems are destructiv­e liberal policies. J.R. Cummings


If Schumer had a scintilla of sincerity as to his concerns about “rainbow fentanyl,” then why won’t he see to it that our borders are secured?

To quote Eldridge Cleaver, “You either have to be part of the solution or you’re going to be part of the problem.” Schumer is living proof that denial is not just a river in Egypt. James Evans

Worcester, Mass.

 ?? ?? Chuck Schumer
Chuck Schumer

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