New York Post

185 reported dead in Iranian protests


Protests ignited by the death of a young woman in police custody continued across Iran on Sunday in defiance of a crackdown by the authoritie­s, as a human-rights group said at least 185 people, including children, had been killed in demonstrat­ions.

Anti-government protests, which began Sept. 17 at the funeral of Mahsa Amini, 22, in her Kurdish town of Saqez, have turned into the biggest challenge to Iran’s clerical leaders in years, with protesters calling for the downfall of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“At least 185 people, including at least 19 children, have been killed in the nationwide protests across Iran. The highest number of killings occurred in Sistan and Baluchista­n province with half the recorded number,” Norway-based Iran Human Rights said Saturday.

Authoritie­s have described the protests as a plot by Iran’s foes, including the United States. They have accused armed dissidents, among others, of violence that has reportedly left at least 20 members of the security forces dead.

Videos shared on social media showed protests in dozens of cities across Iran early Sunday with hundreds of high school girls and university students participat­ing despite the use of tear gas, clubs, and in many cases live ammunition by the security forces, rights groups said.

The Iranian authoritie­s deny using live bullets.

A video posted to Twitter by the widely followed activist called “1500tasvir” showed security forces armed with clubs attacking students at a high school in Tehran.

In another video, a man shouted, “don’t hit my wife, she is pregnant,” while trying to protect her from riot police in the city of Rafsanjan on Saturday.

A video shared by Twitter account “Mamlekate,” which has more than 150,000 followers, showed security forces chasing dozens of schoolgirl­s in the city of Bandar Abbas. Social-media posts said shops were closed in several cities after activists called for a mass strike.

Reuters could not verify the videos and posts. Details of casualties have trickled out slowly, partly because of internet restrictio­ns.

While the United States and Canada have already placed sanctions on Iranian authoritie­s, the European Union is now considerin­g imposing asset freezes and travel bans on Iranian officials. Reuters

 ?? ?? SOLIDARITY: A woman marches in Paris on Sunday in support of the protests in Iran. Human-rights groups estimate that at least 185 people have been killed in the unrest.
SOLIDARITY: A woman marches in Paris on Sunday in support of the protests in Iran. Human-rights groups estimate that at least 185 people have been killed in the unrest.

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