New York Post

Slain pup’s mom barks

Demands that Adams act


The heartbroke­n Park Slope woman whose dog was killed by a madman in Prospect Park has a desperate plea for Mayor Adams to catch the creep.

“You claim that the buck stops at you when it comes to the NYPD,” Jessica Chrustic said Saturday. “I am shocked and dishearten­ed that, months after I was assaulted and my dog was killed in Prospect Park, there continues to be no real resolution or justice in this matter. In- deed, it’s fair to say that I have been victimized twice; once by my assailant, and again by the NYPD’s negligence.”

Chrustic said she was traumatize­d again Friday when she went out by herself to try to find the assailant after someone alerted her to a sighting in the park.

“I’m kept awake at night by the thought that my assailant will continue to put others more vulnerable than myself at risk — a senior citizen walking in the park, another pet, a child. Does someone need to get killed before the NYPD is able to do their job?” she asked, addressing the mayor.

The man sprayed her with a bottle of urine Aug. 3 and hit her and her dog, Moose (inset), with a stick. The golden retriever mix died.

Chrustic said it took the NYPD 40 minutes to arrive on Friday after she told them the vagrant had been spotted. “I was thinking I would get to the park and they would be there any second,” she said. Instead, she ended up trailing the man through the park. Chrustic said she located the vagrant and he came at her with what she thought was mace and then a stick. She ran for her life.

“I don’t know what else to do,” she said. “I can’t do their [cops’] job for them.”

The NYPD said the investigat­ion was ongoing.

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