New York Post

ABCs of the SPR


President Biden’s latest politicall­y timed release of another 15 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve — when it was already at a 40-year low — is just the latest disgracefu­l move in a decades-long Democratic drive to pretend the SPR is a magic gas-price wand, which now leaves the reserve too depleted to serve its actual, important purpose.

The SPR was created in 1975 to guard against attacks on the US oil supply, after the 1973-74 Arab oil boycott sought to blackmail America into abandoning Israel. It can hold up to 714 million barrels in salt caverns along the Gulf of Mexico coast.

The nation consumes some 20 million barrels of oil a day; the world, more than 90 million. America now produces about 12 million barrels a day, so a full SPR would let it go about three months if the rest of the world cut us off. But its capacity to address a global oil shortage is far more limited.

Yet Democrats, led by New York’s own Sen. Chuck Schumer, have long pretended otherwise, treating it as a go-to whenever pump prices spike.

But minor releases can’t actually do much. Biden’s 15-million-barrel move is supposed to counter the OPEC+ cut of 2 million barrels a day after Saudi Arabia ignored his pleas to hold off until after the November election.

Do the math: This release won’t make up the difference for more than a week or two.

And SPR releases can’t do much more than that because Biden’s been emptying it all year as part of his futile effort to fight the inflation his policies caused. Plus, his war on domestic production has increased what America needs to import.

Also, Biden took office with a depleted SPR because, when oil prices went into free fall during the Trump years, oil-hating Dems refused to let the prez refill it — and it wasn’t on Biden’s agenda when he came in as prices hadn’t yet exploded.

For the record, President Barack Obama wasn’t as foolish as Biden: When gas prices spiked on his watch, he embraced an “all hands on deck” approach, letting US production surge (even fracking, though it infuriated the greens).

Not Joe: This president won’t abandon his shameless pander to the Green New Dealers; all he’ll do is empty out the SPR to pretend to voters that he’s addressing the issue.

Meanwhile, the reserve is in no shape to protect the nation if it faces a real boycott or global supply crisis. Biden’s all-politics, short-term thinking has left us all at risk.

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