New York Post

NY Dems vs. Democracy


It turns out New York Democrats started plotting to defy the public’s will to pull off the grotesque Hochulmand­er from the very start — long before the voter-chosen nonpartisa­n process to draw fair election districts had even begun. Happily, the state’s courts stopped the conspiracy from succeeding (mostly).

Per records obtained by WSKG News and City & State, the Democratic-controlled state Senate and Assembly started in June 2021 hiring law firms to help get away with drawing and defending blatantly illegal voting districts. The bipartisan Independen­t Redistrict­ing Commission — which, under the state Constituti­on, is to handle redistrict­ing — hadn’t yet even announced any public hearings.

Democrats were determined to end-run the Constituti­on (and the voters) to ensure their one-party rule far into the future. In 2014, recall, New Yorkers passed a constituti­onal amendment putting the IRC in charge specifical­ly to prevent lawmakers from drawing voting maps to benefit themselves at the public’s expense. It explicitly banned boundaries “drawn to discourage competitio­n or for the purpose of favoring or disfavorin­g incumbents or other particular candidates or political parties.”

Alas, it did let lawmakers reject IRC maps, if they saw fit, and then (eventually) draw them themselves. With supermajor­ities in both houses, Democrats decided in advance to do just that — and to hell with demands for fair districts. Dems even flouted the Constituti­on’s plain-English anti-gerrymande­ring language, as the courts ultimately said when tossing their maps and hiring a special master to re-do House and state Senate districts this year.

The courts also found Assembly districts were illegally drawn, but that replacemen­t map won’t kick in ’til 2024; there, the Hochulmand­er stands.

As the Times Union reports, GOP Assembly candidate David Catalfamo says he has proof Democrats shaped the 113th Assembly District to boost incumbent Carrie Woerner’s odds for re-election, and indeed Woerner’s own public statements seem to confirm it.

And as her fellow Dems schemed, Gov. Hochul actually bragged that she planned to use her power as governor to boost Democrats’ prospects. “I’m a Biden Democrat,” she crowed, merrily signing off on legislatio­n to enable it.

The plot was as sleazy as could be, denying New York voters fair representa­tion in Albany and Congress. So much for Democrats’ screams about the “threats to democracy.”

And while the courts stopped the plot (mostly), that’s only inspired Dems to take aim at the courts: The pressure on Hochul to name a more-partisan replacemen­t for retiring state Chief Judge Janet DiFiore is intense.

Which means that if voters don’t reject Hochul and as many Democratic state legislator­s as possible in this election, the plot to make future elections almost irrelevant will return to life, with a strong chance of succeeding on the second try.

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