New York Post


Well-liked Ghis finds niche in pen


Ghislaine Maxwell is Ms. Popular in the pen!

Jeffrey Epstein’s convicted madam is well-liked by a clique of powerful inmates behind bars in Florida — where she works at the library, makes pottery and hosts a checkers competitio­n, according to a report Friday.

The 60-year-old British socialitet­urned-jailbird has a cushy life at the Federal Correction­al Institute Tallahasse­e in part because fellow inmates respect her intelligen­ce, insiders told The Daily Mail.

Cellmates in her prison wing, Unit B South, nominated the Oxford University-educated sex trafficker to represent them in an annual checkers tournament that yields delicious prizes, the outlet reported.

“You want the best players, and she has a reputation for being smart,” an insider said. “The winning unit gets a really good meal, chicken wings, pizza, that sort of thing. It’s much better than the usual food.”

The source added, “It’s a big deal. Nobody cares what you’re in for so long as you win.”

Maxwell also works six hours a day at the prison library, where she gives inmates tips on the best romance novels and history books, the outlet reported.

The carefree convict’s daily regimen includes crochet lessons, board games and strolling the lowsecurit­y grounds with pals, an insider said.

Criminal friends

Maxwell — who is serving a 20year sentence for sex traffickin­g minors — also makes frequent trips to a quarter-mile running track, where she takes hourlong jogs in the sun.

In recent months, she has befriended high-profile prisoners such as Narcy Novak, 65, a Florida woman serving life for orchestrat­ing the murders of her millionair­e husband and his mom.

Maxwell has reportedly also gotten close to Linda Morrow, who helped her plastic surgeon husband scam insurers out of millions, the source said.

When she arrived at the federal prison four months ago, Maxwell cried and complained often — but she has since made plenty of friends and is enjoying her hobbies, said one recently released prisoner.

“Ghislaine cried a lot when she first arrived. You could hear her yelling that everything was inhumane. She walked around like a zombie, her eyes were always puffy,” the ex-prisoner said.

“Now she has some friends and is eating more. She’s bubbly, you see her smiling. She makes a point of saying good morning. You can see she’s visibly more comfortabl­e.”

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 ?? ?? JAIL AND REC: Ghislaine Maxwell (above right) is seen on the prison grounds. She has made friends like Linda Morrow (left) and Narcy Novack.
JAIL AND REC: Ghislaine Maxwell (above right) is seen on the prison grounds. She has made friends like Linda Morrow (left) and Narcy Novack.

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