New York Post

Time to stop flow

Turn migrants away


NEW York City is Joe Biden’s patsy. There’s no other way to put it. The president has done nothing to solve the illegal immigratio­n crisis he created and has taken complete advantage of city taxpayers while ignoring all pleas for help.

You can tell Mayor Adams has had enough, emotionall­y declaring Thursday on a trip to DC that “the city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis!”

But trying to shame Biden isn’t working. He is beyond shame.

Shaking a tin cup won’t help. The feds aren’t giving us money.

Adams even criticized his fellow Democrats, saying “none of my folks came to Washington DC to fight for the resources that’s going to undermine every agency in our city!”

He didn’t say their names, but what is the use of having so many New York Democrats in key positions of power if they won’t lift a finger to call out the president or aid the residents of the city they represent? Where are Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries?

Liberal City Council members wail about minor cuts to libraries but ignore the elephant in the room. Where do they think the money is going?

So, Mayor Adams, there is only one thing to do: Stop being a sucker.

Buses from the border? Turn them back.

Cut off the ‘tap’

Migrants flown into local airports? Deny them the right to land.

Give the 33,000-plus migrants living free in city hotels a deadline: You’re out in a month.

There is no law, despite what progressiv­es might say, that requires New Yorkers to pay $2.9 billion and climbing to shelter thousands indefinite­ly. Our generosity is being abused.

If Biden truly cared about these migrants, he would be opening residences in Delaware paid for by his administra­tion. But he doesn’t. He just wants to throw open the border and let New York pay for it. What is deep blue Manhattan going to do? Not vote for him? How cynical.

We appreciate Adams’ truth telling, and his willingnes­s to criticize the administra­tion when other Democrats won’t. But it’s been more than a year of words, and nothing has changed.

It’s time for action.

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