New York Post



and all of the candidates would be moving around out of nervousnes­s.

“And I would sit down in the studio before we went on to debate and do my breathing exercise and one of the candidates looked over at me and said, ‘We’re never gonna beat this guy!’ ” A City Hall aide did not respond to an immediate request for comment as to which candidate Hizzoner was referring to.

“That is what we are giving to these children. Young people, you’ll never be defeated. You have a tool right now that we’re giving you that is going to empower you.”

He predicts the practice will turn the “disruptive” “Erics of today” into model students — referring to his own childhood as a self-described hooligan.

“You’re going to see a change over time.”

“Instead of having we will have he added.

DOE Chancellor David Banks noted it’ll be up to school principals and administra­tors to build in the extra time, be it in the morning before the day starts, during advisory periods or during a gym class.

“There’s nothing more important that we can teach our kids than mindfulnes­s and deliberati­ve breathing,” added Banks.

High-school students will also “be in touch with mental-health counselors in real time from their phones,” according to Banks. Public details reman scant as to what type of mental-health services will be available and how it will be tracked.

The DOE will incorporat­e the practice into its literacy program, and teachers violence, balance,” are on track to be trained in the exercises over the summer.

An Adams spokespers­on said “these practices have already started in our public schools. Sixty percent of schools have already been trained. Trainings will continue over the summer and fall 2023 for teachers and staff. We are hopeful that breathing practices will be in all public schools by spring 2024.”

Yoga training

The new practices will be a part of the DOE’s “literacy curriculum” and the United Federation of Teachers says about 2,500 teachers have been trained so far. Banks said kids are already doing yoga in some city schools.

Although kids won’t be forced to participat­e, Adams

predicated schoolkids will come around to the idea. “Although we are building it in as a requiremen­t, it is not forced on anyone. If you choose not to do the breathing exercise, that’s fine. Eventually you will find your way,” he promised.

The sometimes-vegan mayor also started meatless Fridays in DOE schools and even got the city’s Health + Hospitals system to start serving plant-based meals at all 11 of its facilities. He’s also previously criticized New Yorkers for failing to exercise enough.

“I lose votes every time I take a hot dog out of school. I like to say I’m the broccoli mayor. You’re not gonna like it now, but you’re going to look back later and say, ‘Darn it, this guy’s got it.’ ”

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