New York Post

Men In Italy Don’t Need ED Drugs… Now We Know Why! A secret any man can use and

Perform like a newlywed!

- Tina writes: Dear Karen, Aren’t you glad you asked?

The Inside Story!

This week we got a letter from a reader in Texas about a “little secret” that’s made her love life with her husband better than ever! (Texas women tell it like it is!)

For years my husband and I had a great love life. He was sexy and passionate and so confident. But when he reached his 50s, he lost some of his old spark, especially in the bedroom. He tried every product out there; prescripti­ons, testostero­ne boosters, even those male enhancemen­t pills… but nothing worked. This is terrible, but I found myself thinking ‘’My strong, passionate husband has become a bedroom weakling.” I had no idea it would all turn around in just 3 weeks!

Last month, he came home from a business trip in Europe and shocked me with more passion and energy than he’s had in years! It was just incredible - and so exciting!

The best part is that our love life has been like that ever since. My husband’s desire for me is through the roof so here we are, closer and more intimate than ever… in our late 50s!

When I asked about the dramatic change, he said that on his trip, he stayed next to an older, but very energetic Italian couple. Every day he’d see them riding bikes or playing tennis. If that wasn’t enough, the hotel walls were paperthin, and he could hear them being passionate­ly intimate every single night… and sometimes again in the morning!

My husband couldn’t help himself, so one day he asked the man his secret. The older man, a nutritioni­st by trade, smiled and introduced himself as Vito. He said that he was 78, his wife in her 60s, and that after 38 years of marriage, they were still as active and intimate as ever!

Then, he took a small pack of tablets from his satchel, gave it to my husband, and said “These come from a small village up north where they’re milled from naturally pure extracts, packed with densely rich nutrients. Believe me, they are very powerful and you will perform in the bedroom even better than you did as a young man!”

Karen, that Italian man was right! These past several weeks have been a dream. My husband is back to being the man I fell in love with. Beaming with confidence, his libido – and our marriage is stronger than ever!

I’m writing because the pack of tablets is almost empty and we both desperatel­y want more. I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find them. Do you know about these European tablets and how to get some in the States? Sincerely, Tina C., Fort Worth, TX

•••• Tina you’re in luck. I do know about these secret European tablets. Ever wonder why older men from Italy have the lowest use of ED drugs, but are world-famous for staying energized and passionate well into their 80s? For years, these men have relied on a unique blossom extract to enhance their bedroom energy and performanc­e.

Milled on the fertile northern plains and sold under the name Provarin, these pure plant extracts are cultivated along the sea and have a legendary reputation throughout Europe for fueling a man’s energy and libido. As Giovanni

“My husband shocked me with more passion and energy than he’s had in years!”

from Milan put it, “It’s like bedroom rocket fuel, especially for us older guys!”

The best part for women, as you well know, is all that intimacy and passion is enough to send us over the blissful edge! A few years ago, I was dating a cowboy from Wyoming who took Provarin every morning - and believe me, that good ol’ boy kept me warm at night!

All-natural and safe to take, Provarin is a wellkept secret for those in the know – and they like to keep it that way. An old-school family business, they still harvest the product by hand and don’t do any advertisin­g. They don’t need to. Long-term customers and word of mouth ensure their limited stock is sold out every year.

Provarin is surprising­ly inexpensiv­e, but as far as finding it in the States, I know of just one importer. When I reached out for this article, a spokesman told me they were proud to produce the highest quality product for men and couples. He went on to say that any of my readers who call today, will get a special one-time double-discount, plus free priority shipping, AND A BONUS PACK OF 30 TABLETS FREE!

Wow, so there you go, Tina – and the rest of you readers! Use the direct hotline he gave me, so you can be on and off the phone in 5 minutes or less. He did say this offer is only good while supplies last so just give them a call today and mention this article. The number is 1-800-708-2536.

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