New York Post

City’s got it all wrong with ‘right to shelter’

- NICOLE GELINAS Nicole Gelinas is a contributi­ng editor to the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.

MAYOR Adams has done everything he can to house tens of thousands of migrants in hotels and tents, only to tank his approval rating. Voters see what he can’t see: He cannot house the world. Adams is failing, because he’s doing everything but the obvious: move to end New York City’s spurious “right to shelter.”

The right to shelter, under which the city is housing 59,300 migrants, isn’t a right at all.

This fake right, which has persisted for more than four decades, now imperils New York City’s ability to provide public services, such as fire protection and garbage collection.

No ‘right’

The right to shelter is allegedly rooted in the state constituti­on.

In 1981, after advocates for homeless men asserted this right in a state-court lawsuit, the city, under then-Mayor Ed Koch, signed a “consent decree.” The city pledged to provide shelter to men suffering “physical, mental or social dysfunctio­n.”

This narrow mandate, which at the time cost about $40 million in inflation-adjusted dollars, has expanded to include everybody, and will cost at least $4 billion this year.

One problem: the term “right to shelter” appears nowhere in the state’s constituti­on. The constituti­on does feature a bill of rights, listing items such as religious liberty, and the right to organize a labor union.

“Shelter” is not among these rights.

If voters wanted a right to shelter, it wouldn’t be that difficult to enact. The constituti­on’s bill of rights does feature one new addition, a two-year-old provision that “each person shall have a right to clean air and water.”

How did this environmen­tal right get there? State lawmakers followed the procedure to amend the constituti­on, twice voting to put the question to the public, and the public approved it in the 2021 election.

There is a section in the constituti­on about the “needy,” and this is what homeless advocates have used in court.

But this passage reads only that “subject to the limitation­s on indebtedne­ss and taxation, nothing in this constituti­on . . . shall prevent the legislatur­e from providing for the aid, care and support of the needy.”

This weak language is hard to construe as a right (especially since it isn’t in the “rights” section of the constituti­on).

And the state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, never ruled that this right exists. The Koch administra­tion and successive administra­tions just gave up, operating as though this phantom right is real.

New York City doesn’t have a right to shelter, because cities don’t have rights at all.

When you think of your rights, you think about your right to speak freely, your right to worship. These rights are safeguarde­d in the US Constituti­on’s Bill of Rights, and the New York State Constituti­on echoes many.

Which government doesn’t list and safeguard basic rights?

Local government. The city’s charter is 216 pages long, yet doesn’t list or safeguard individual rights.

That’s because city government­s have no sovereignt­y. Because it has no sovereign power to infringe upon your rights, you do not need the city charter to safeguard your rights.

What are my rights?

The federal and state constituti­ons safeguard your rights, by contrast, because the federal and state government­s are sovereign, and thus are powerful enough to enact laws that could infringe upon your freedoms.

For example, both the federal and state government have the power to charge you with a felony and imprison you. You thus have protection from this power, via your constituti­onal rights to a grand jury and jury trial.

New York City’s has no comparable power. It is a creation of the state. Without the backing of state government, the city can do little to tyrannize you.

Yes, city police can arrest and incarcerat­e you — but only under state law, governed by the state constituti­on and administer­ed by district attorneys and judges who are state officials.

The city couldn’t even issue you a speed-camera ticket before Albany allowed it to do so.

The City Council and the mayor fool people into thinking local government has more power. But when the City Council recently “decriminal­ized” a bunch of small crimes, like public urination, the council did not actually decriminal­ize them. Only the state can do that. The city just stopped enforcing them.

Likewise, although the city has a “human rights law,” the law has no constituti­onal standing. If the city violates your rights, your recourse is in state or federal court.

This fact has implicatio­ns for the supposed right to shelter: If there were such a right, it would be a statewide one. Within a sovereign jurisdicti­on, rights are universal. The state constituti­on does not say, “You have a right to religious liberty, except in Scarsdale, which opted out of it.”

What aren’t my rights?

Your constituti­onal rights have something in common: they aren’t entitlemen­ts to anything of material value.

For example, you have a federal right to bear arms, but the government doesn’t give you a gun.

Government programs, like Social Security and food stamps, are not constituti­onal rights. (Nope, not even after you’ve paid for years.)

The closest New York state comes to providing a material right comes with the constituti­onal requiremen­t for the legislatur­e to “maintain and support

. . . free common schools” where “all the children of this state may be educated.”

But this is not framed as an individual right; it is the provision for a common civic activity.

Safety-net programs, from Medicare to housing vouchers, aren’t rights, because enshrining such programs in the federal or state constituti­on would be contradict­ory to representa­tive democracy.

Such programs cost money, and it’s a tenet of American democracy that today’s lawmakers cannot bind future voters to spend future money.

Today’s congresswo­man cannot bind her colleague 50 years from now to spend $5 trillion a year on Medicare, for example.

This is because spending is a democratic trade-off. The more we spend on Medicare, the less we have for infrastruc­ture.

Lawmakers must make spending decisions every year, through the budget.

If the founders of New York or the US had said, back in 1777 and 1791 respective­ly, that we had a right to, say, retirement security, they would have sharply reduced future lawmakers’ role in the annual budget process. Most of this year’s budget would have been decided centuries ago.

There’s another constraint on transformi­ng safety-net programs into rights: debt limits.

Economies suffer recessions, which reduce tax revenue. In a recession, for either the US or state government to make good on, say, a “right” to Medicaid or a housing voucher, the government would have to borrow.

Washington does, of course, borrow copiously.

But New York does not. The state constituti­on requires an annual balanced budget. It severely restricts borrowing, requiring lawmakers to submit bond issuances “to the people,” via general election, for a vote.

Because of these constraint­s, if tax revenues decrease, a right to a social program would force lawmakers to immediatel­y raise taxes or cut other programs.

Lawmakers might make such decisions, anyway. But if social spending were a constituti­onal right, they would have no choice.

What about the city?

If the city wants to assume a state “right to shelter” and spend money to secure that right, even if the federal and state government­s do not, what’s stopping it?

Lots of things. Just as New York City has no independen­t power to tyrannize you, it has little independen­t power to tax you or spend your money.

Because the city is a creature of the state, it is required to balance its yearly budget. The state constituti­on further limits how much, and for what, the city can borrow. The city cannot borrow for annual operating deficits.

The state also limits the city’s ability to levy taxes. The only tax the city can impose, without approval, is property tax. City income and sales taxes are levied by the state for the city’s use.

So the city can’t guarantee a right to shelter, because it has no autonomous way to secure the fiscal resources it would need.

Put it all together — and see how it doesn’t go together: Cities don’t guarantee rights. Federal and state rights are not rights to something material, like safety-net programs.

That’s because enacting such rights would require permanent spending obligation­s — which elected officials cannot institute.

New York City, under state law, wouldn’t be able to raise taxes, run deficits or borrow money to make good on any right to an entitlemen­t, like a “right to shelter.”

An impossible decree

The four-decade-old consent decree made “shelter” into a “right.” Without creating any competing rights, the decree would force the city to prioritize sheltering migrants above providing basic services.

Mayor Adams must move in state court to end the consent decree. To win, he would have to argue — albeit decades belatedly — that the city, in signing the decree, improperly exceeded its limits to tax, spend and borrow.

But so far, Adams has been sticking to his May statement: “We are in no way seeking to end the right to shelter.”

He will continue to fail to do the impossible until he stops attempting the impossible.

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